The thoughts that flow in and out of thoughtfulness are the thoughts that we should treasure, forever.

Your Thoughts Are Not Your Thoughts

How to recognize more of your authentic self, today.

6 min readDec 18, 2015


This post may be too deep for the average person, still, I choose to attract readers, and followers, that are more than just “average in intelligence.”

I am willing to risk losing friends, family, and yes, followers on this post.

Your thoughts are not your thoughts.

This is a true statement. Some will disagree and some will argue with it and attempt to disprove it. They may be right but the truth is that you are a product of your genetics and of your environment.

This is not a hand out, but I am offering a hand up.

I am offering you something for you to ponder, that perhaps, no one has ever thought to offer to you before now. The offer is this, take out your cell phone and place it in front of you. How do you know what this item is? Who told you what this device is? Who told you how to use it? Who taught you how to use it? Who told you that you should buy one or that you need a cell phone? When did you first decide that this phone was essential to you? How could you even tell if it was never essential to you in the first place if it was all you ever knew?

Perhaps, you do not have a phone, using any object in it’s place is fine. Rather perhaps, the thought of “Why you do not have a phone” could be a focus point. Still the basis is this, you have one or you do not have one and that is a decision that you made in your own life.

For whatever reason, when did you decide this? When did you make this decision and who did it for you? What about your thoughts on religion, politics, diet, exercise?

At times of uncertainty and confusion it is important to recognize that this is the first step in learning something new.

The overdose on questions in this article can be annoying and it may be annoying or dizzying to you as it is to me, but still it is important for you to have these questions asked of you, that is if you want to focus on which of your thoughts are genuinely, your thoughts.

Imagine, the first time a Man sees the beauty of a Woman that he is to fall in love with and to be sexually, mentally, physically, and spiritually attracted to and be in love with at first sight of her, and her of him. Now this is a truly original and unique thought to have in a life, is it not?

This love at first sight type of relationships are a great example to make of this. You saw someone that you never knew of and it made you feel in way that may never feel again with another person.

Then there is our names. What is your name? Who gave it to you? Did you change it or was it change from one name to another name? Does this make sense, the “label” to your personality and your personal identity has a label to it and that is your name. You wear this all label all day and people look at you say, “Hey that is Randy over there!” They have an idea and a label of who you are and of who Randy is and that is part of a thought and a belief that was a part of you your thoughts as well and it all just came together in that moment. It is all relative to each other.

You do not have to worry, this is not a bad thing, just as it is not a good thing either.

I would like for you to meditate regularly, to view items in your life, or experiences from a place of non-emotional points of views. To observe things in your life and in your mind without judgement, but with a sense of observation and not condemnation.

You know people who are the complete opposite of this. They say comments like, “This sucks!” “This is terrible.” “This is not good enough for me.” “That person is an asshole.” All of these are negative, but what about the positive people who say, “This is amazing!” “This is terrific!” “This is exactly what I want for myself!” “That person is someone who is deserving of admiration.” Both seem opposites, positive and negative to some, but they are both emotionally reacting and being judgmental. let’s define these terms.

Being Judgmental means: to take in information from a source or sources and to react in an emotional manner.

Being Observational means: to take in information from a source or sources and to react without an emotional expression attached.

This is easier to be said. Examples

  1. You drop the jug of milk and it goes all over the floor.
  2. You are in your car and are hit by a drunk driver.
  3. You win the Power-Ball Mega Millions Lottery.
  4. You just received news that you are expecting a new son or daughter.
  5. Your lover wants to marry you.
  6. Your lover wants to leave you.

Notice that all of those examples involve those things happening to you.

Their is your point of view, the point of view of others, the point of view of groups and all of those can be self-introspective if one chooses to do so.

What about when it happens to someone else? What about when it happens to your friend? You father? Your mother? Your neighbor? Your employer? Your customer?

I am sure that you had a shift of emotion as you thought of each of those people and that they may had been different for each of those persons as well, when compared to yourself. If you did not, then you may have a lack of empathy towards others. Some of you may say, “My emotions are the same for others than they are from myself!” Which is great! That is an amazing feat and also very damaging.

If a Firefighter, felt the same way as the person in a burning building feels, then that means that all persons in burning buildings would be less likely to be rescued by the Firefighter. Please, consider that the Firefighter, they know what it is like to be in a fire, they also know how others feel about being in a fire, and they have to feel a different emotion and have a different thought process of, “I have to control my emotions and thoughts in a manner that will insure my success of saving this person’s life, no matter what, or I will fail in my mission.”

What an inspiring belief to have in a mind of a person that is coming to help you. I have this thought in my mind when I sit with a student or a client. I have this thought towards myself as well, could you have this thought and belief in your own mind?

Just think to yourself, “Hey, I love you, you are awesome and I want to live and breathe and to be successful no matter what or I will fail in my mission to myself.” If you have little or no conflicts or doubts or emotions about this then you truly in a unique psychology. I hope that you are doing some very amazing things in your life today, and should have the side effects of that belief in your life to prove it. A loving family. A healthy body. A restful and safe home that you live in. Plenty of money in your life so that you are not struggling at all, or anything else that you can imagine.

If not, and you have that belief, you are cheating yourself and others around you.

If that upsets you, good, that means that you are observing your life and others from a judgmental and emotional manner. Now, look for ways, as I have found for myself that are difficult to find, that force you to be observational of life and allows you to make changes in your life, to become successful.

About the Author,

Adam Goodson

The founder and head hypnotist at Impactful Changes Hypnosis of San Diego has been studying hypnosis since 2008 and leading clients to change since 2010.

San Francisco, California

