Q2 2018: Expanding collaborations and impact

ImpactMapper Team


Dear fellow changemakers,

Happy summer to those of you in the Northern Hemisphere and welcome to winter to those you down South. We’ve had some wonderful partnerships and trainings over the past few months that we are excited to share with you all! Our team has been hard at work building new features based on our communities’ needs and amazing user feedback. Below you will find some examples of some of the newest releases.

Also, as pretty much every other group out there and online, we implemented GDPR privacy and security features in May. Very cool, but you may have missed our message signing up for our newsletters and if so, you have been unsubscribed. :( A bummer… so if you want back in, please sign up here!


Please connect with us on LinkedIn, follow us on Twitter and Facebook, and check our website for tool/news updates.

What’s New at IM

Strengthening and Expanding Our Partnerships

  • We are thrilled to announce our deepened partnership with Oak Foundation in the form of a $624,000 contract that supports M&E capacity building to its Issues Affecting Women portfolio, allocates program licenses to portfolio grantees for the next 3 years, and expands organizational adoption of the tool. For more details, see our blog post here. As Medina Haeri, Programme Officer at Oak notes:

“…We are using ImpactMapper in the Issues Affecting Women Programme (IAWP) at Oak as our own monitoring, evaluation, learning and communication tool (MELC). We have already uncovered trends and progress not previously seen. We also see ImpactMapper as a key tool to help our grantees deepen their learning, optimize M&E in their social change initiatives, and shape their communication strategy…We’ve seen the great need for a tool in the field like ImpactMapper, and we are very happy to support it.”

  • We launched our first ever M&E training program in May in partnership with Prospera-International Network of Women’s Funds! Over 30 Prospera-supported women’s fund representatives and evaluation consultants participated in the highly interactive and participatory training. Over the 5 day training, we gave participants a “crash course” in mixed methods analysis — introducing the potential user to good data management practices, data analysis using the ImpactMapper tool, alongside data interpretation. We also trained participants on storytelling and outcomes mining, and how to use data in diverse ways for organizational/program processes, M&E and learning. The twelve foundations that attended are implementing exciting ImpactMapper pilots over the next year as a result! For more details on the training, read our blog post. Be in touch if you would like to participate in our next set of trainings in the fall, by filling out the survey here.
  • As part of our partnership with TechSoup, a leading provider of discounted software and hardware for nonprofits, we wrote a blog on our experiences collecting and using data for social impact. Check it out!
  • In mid-May, ImpactMapper’s Founder and CEO, Alexandra Pittman, pitched at the amazing Katapult Future Fest. If you have not been, put it on your agenda for next year! A must-attend if you’re interested in being involved in an amazing community and in sharing learnings on how to leverage technology, innovation, social impact investing to create a better world.
  • In late May, ImpactMapper lead designer and UX expert, Val Makhouleen, presented on (software) design incorporating the needs and perspectives of underserved populations at the 2050 Youth Conference in Yunqi, China, a conference designed to promote the latest in science and technology to Chinese youth and the global audience.
  • In June, we held a storytelling and outcomes training with Oak Foundation and NEO Philanthropy’s Anti-Trafficking Fund in Washington, DC. This is part of a series of workshops that we have convened with Oak Foundation and grantees over the past year with intermediary grantmakers. (Sign up here if your organization is interested in your own custom ImpactMapper storytelling and outcomes training workshop.)
ImpactMapper and Oak Foundation and NEO Philanthropy’s Anti-Trafficking Fund in Washington, DC

New ImpactMapper Features

  • Secure, encrypted csv upload of grant data!
  • Multilingual surveys!
  • CSV download and printing of surveys!
  • Ability to add upload data to surveys such as Excel or PDF!
  • Adding multiple tags at once!

Some cool ImpactMapper use cases going on this summer!

  • Semillas is piloting the use of ImpactMapper surveys to collect their grantmaking applications/call for proposals. Their call for grantee applications will be launched in August! We are thrilled to be partnering with them! If you would also like to be engaged in this pilot too and give us feedback on this new feature, please reach out to us at team@impactmapper.com
  • The Philanthropy Advancing Women’s Human Rights (PAWHR) donor collaborative network is using ImpactMapper to collect, analyze and visualize all of their grantmaking data on an annual basis. ImpactMapper also helped them develop and implement a collective taxonomy to code their grantmaking data.
  • Oak Foundation’s Issues Affecting Women Programme continues to use ImpactMapper for its progress and final reporting for grantees.

Upcoming Events (July-September 2018)

  • Oslo: July 16–20, 24–25. Contact us for in person demo and meetings!
  • Stockholm: July 23. Contact us for in person demo and meetings!
  • NYC: July 26–28. Nexus Global Summit
  • Washington DC: September 5–7. MERL Tech
  • Forbes Magazine will publish a profile on ImpactMapper Founder and CEO, Alexandra Pittman, in the upcoming quarter. We are excited to share that with you once it becomes available!

Sign up to join our mailing list if you would like more information or click here to request a demo from ImpactMapper.



ImpactMapper Team

The team behind ImpactMapper, an all-in-one tool for donors, nonprofits, and evaluators to track social impact.