impactMarket Partners with Huma Finance to Expand Microcredit

Published in
3 min readNov 14, 2023

A Synergy of Strengths to Bridge the Financial Gap for Underserved Entrepreneurs

Partnership between impactMarket and Huma.

In a strategic move towards enhancing financial inclusion on a global scale, impactMarket and Huma Finance have launched their partnership, combining forces to further their shared vision of inclusive finance. Through this collaboration, both organizations are converging their strengths to amplify the impact of Microcredit, a catalyst for economic growth and prosperity for underserved populations.

impactMarket stands as a beacon of financial accessibility through its Human Empowerment Protocol. At the heart of its suite of transformative offerings lies an innovative Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) protocol, touching the lives of over 40 thousand beneficiaries across nearly 30 countries. With groundbreaking products such as the Microcredit, Learn & Earn Platform, and Crypto Wallet Libera, impactMarket embraces financial inclusion as a cornerstone of its mission.

Huma Finance, on the other hand, stands as a leading credit ecosystem where innovative, crypto-forward fintechs can utilize their receivables on-chain to engage with global capital sources. With this unique model, Huma enables fair and transparent credit and growth opportunities across the globe. This resonates with impactMarket’s ethos, establishing a synergy that is a step towards reshaping the landscape of financial access.

The convergence of these two powerhouses is met with palpable excitement as impactMarket integrates Huma’s expertise to augment its Microcredit endeavors. With successful pilot initiatives already transforming lives in Uganda, Brazil, Nigeria, and Ghana, the partnership paves the way for an accelerated expansion of this transformative financial tool. It’s a testament to the conviction that Microcredit is not just a lifeline, but a launchpad for small entrepreneurs to flourish, triggering a cascading effect of prosperity that reverberates through local economies.

“impactMarket’s pilot pool on Huma is a step towards serving the 99%. Microcredit is an experimental bridge which could bring us closer to true financial inclusion,” remarks Erbil Karaman, Co-CEO and Co-founder of Huma. This sentiment is mirrored by Marco Barbosa, impactMarket’s Co-founder and President, who states, “Our partnership with Huma is a stride toward our mutual commitment to inclusivity and empowerment. It’s a powerful alliance that charts a course for global change”.

In a world striving for equitable financial opportunities, impactMarket and Huma are joining forces toward a future where financial inclusivity is no longer an aspiration, but a palpable reality. As they harness their collective strengths, the journey toward global impact embarks, with Microcredit as the vehicle propelling underserved entrepreneurs from the margins to the mainstream of economic prosperity.

Huma Finance

Built by serial entrepreneurs, fintech, and credit veterans, Huma Finance is the leading credit platform, where high-performing receivables from real-world businesses connect with global capital on-chain. Learn more

impactMarket (The Human Empowerment Protocol)

impactMarket provides accessible financial solutions to empower underprivileged people worldwide, such as Microcredit, Learn & Earn, Unconditional Basic Income (UBI), and the crypto wallet Libera.

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impactMarket provides accessible financial solutions and knowledge for underprivileged people, unlocking opportunities and human potential.