$PACT Listing on BTSE: Bridging Finance and Social Impact

Published in
3 min readSep 20, 2023

A key milestone as part of impactMarket’s strategy of amplifying the visibility and liquidity of $PACT.

We are excited to announce that $PACT, impactMarket’s governance token, has officially landed on BTSE, a prominent digital asset exchange. This listing signifies a pivotal moment in our mission to fuse financial innovation with social impact on a global scale.

impactMarket’s PACT token is now listed on the centralized exchange BTSE.

$PACT empowers holders with decision-making authority and offers compelling incentive mechanisms. Our impactful impact Farming initiative rewards donors contributing to the Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) program, fostering a culture of giving and inclusion. Additionally, token holders can participate in staking, deepening their engagement with our protocol.

Today, we’re proud to announce that $PACT is now listed on BTSE, a renowned digital asset exchange. This listing takes us another step closer to our mission of strengthening our protocol, empowering like-minded participants, and making a significant global impact.

Trade and deposit $PACT now on BTSE.

BTSE’s reputation as a leading Centralized Exchange magnifies the visibility and liquidity of $PACT. It provides an entry point for new token holders who share our vision of financial inclusion and social impact. This listing solidifies $PACT’s role as a governance catalyst and underscores impactMarket’s mission, allowing participants to steer the protocol’s course and contribute to its success.

In celebration of this listing, with BTSE we launched two remarkable campaigns:

  • PACT Trading Campaign: Between September 19 and 24, users have the chance to win a share of a generous US$10,000 worth of PACT token prizes. To participate, it’s necessary to trade a minimum of US$30 worth of PACT tokens.
  • Gleam Competition: Alongside the trading campaign, BTSE is running a Gleam competition, encouraging the BTSE community to explore $PACT and engage with our mission.

This BTSE listing represents a significant step forward, but it’s only the beginning. Our commitment remains unwavering: to create a prosperous world where everyone can thrive. We invite you to explore the $PACT pools on BTSE and join us in supporting our mission to unlock human potential and create a fairer world for all.


BTSE is a leading digital asset exchange that offers a simple and secure way to trade cryptocurrencies. As the go-to exchange for all things crypto, BTSE is one of the top trusted crypto platforms for institutions, retail users, and first-time traders. BTSE has developed multiple trading technologies that have been adopted across the industry, setting new standards for excellence and innovation in the world of digital asset trading. Additionally, BTSE licenses its industry-leading technology to exchanges worldwide through its white-label exchange solutions, strengthening the BTSE ecosystem and bridging traditional finance with digital assets everywhere.

Find out more about: BTSE | Twitter | LinkedIn | Telegram


impactMarket provides accessible financial solutions to empower underprivileged people all over the world, unlocking opportunities and human potential. Our inclusive protocol is transparent, reliable, and borderless. It operates as a DAO on top of the Celo network, using $PACT as its governance token while running autonomously through smart contracts.

You can find impactMarket also on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, GitHub, Youtube, Telegram, and Discord.




impactMarket provides accessible financial solutions and knowledge for underprivileged people, unlocking opportunities and human potential.