Guide to Sanity Testing: Definition, Process, and Features

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3 min readMay 13, 2022
ImpactQA — Guide to Sanity Testing

The concept of sanity testing might be confounding in the field of software testing. It is, to be clear, a form of regression testing. Sanity testing, like its core testing category, looks to see if a change has affected the application’s functionality. But in less time and with fewer test cases, concentrating just on the most important features.

In basic terms, the definition of sanity testing is:

It determines if the app is designed to meet the demands of the users. The purpose is to test if the software continues to function properly after making modest code modifications.

What is Sanity Testing in Software Testing?

Software testing provides a great opportunity for sanity checks, but it’s important to remember that developers may also do sanity checks.

To be more specific, there is no need to wait for an independent tester to do a software sanity test.

Sanity tests, whether informal or formal, are considered an early form of software testing.

What is the Process of Sanity Testing?

It is only carried out once the software product has passed the smoke test and has been approved for further testing by the Quality Assurance team. It assists in determining whether newly added functionality is meeting the set requirements. The test fails if a newly introduced functionality is not able to fulfill the requirements.

If a newly added capability to your application meets a need, the sanity test is passed. When the sanity test succeeds, thorough system testing is performed to ensure that newly included functionalities to your software application do not interfere with the previously installed system and application components.

High-Level Sanity Planning

Sanity tests are divided into detailed test planning and high-level test planning. The diagram below offers a clear picture of how high-level sanity planning is achieved.

ImpactQA — Sanity Testing Planning
Sanity Testing Planning

Main Features of Sanity Testing

  • Sanity testing is unscripted
  • It works once regression testing is completed
  • This testing process is undocumented
  • Enabled quick testing and speedy assessment
  • The narrow testing approach where limited functionalities are thoroughly examined
  • Sanity testing is not automated and should be performed manually
  • It only operates on functions that have been changed or aren’t working properly

Core Advantages of Sanity Testing

  • Quick identification of flaws at an early stage
  • App stability can be validated at a faster pace due to quick bug reporting
  • Simpler execution and no need for documentation
  • Sanity testing immediately determines the existing condition of your software
  • If flaws are found during Sanity testing, the build is rejected, thereby saving a lot of time and resources

What is the Importance of Sanity Test Cases?

Sanity tests, as previously stated, are not automated. However, there may be some debate over a hidden cost associated with using this strategy, which includes more time and effort spent developing effective test cases and assessing test findings.

Let’s have a look at the method of ad-hoc sanity testing. Every test occurs in the present, and it tends to fade away fast afterward. As a result, you should memorize as many sanity tests as possible in case you need to test the same software application again. When you put in time and effort, and the payoff is dependent on a consistent attempt at meticulously repeating the test cases, this becomes tough to achieve.

Difference Between Sanity Testing & Smoke Testing

  • Sanity testing is done when the build is relatively stable, whereas smoke testing is done at the initial level.
  • We call sanity testing a subdivision of regression testing. On the other hand, smoke testing is known as a subdivision of acceptance testing.
  • Sanity testing is performed after the completion of regression testing. Smoke testing is executed on every build.
  • Sanity testing is considered always stable. Smoke testing can either be stable or unstable.


Sanity testing is used to determine whether or not more testing is necessary for a software application. It is critical because it saves time when a problem in the system is discovered. Sanity tests also give you a quick update on the progress of the release, so you can plan your next actions accordingly.




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