Why Saying “Don’t Cry” Will Damage Your Relationship (#10 of 101)

Does your discomfort with tears and crying make you cold and distant?

From Imperfect Phrases For Relationships available in downloadable PDF, print (via amazon), and for any device enabled for Kindle.

Did Justin Bieber use the ideas in this book to build a better relationship? Well, no, but if he did, good things would happen.

It’s common to suggest to an upset person to “Stop crying”, which is almost always due to discomfort with tears, and negative emotions. The problem is that it negates the feelings and reactions of the other person, which is the last thing an upset person needs.

Don’t cry.

Would you please stop blubbering.

Come on, big boys don’t cry.

If you don’t stop crying, I’ll really give you something to cry about.


Crying is a natural, normal response to emotional stress, not only occurring when a person is sad, but also extremely happy. While it’s natural, crying can make other people so uncomfortable that they will try to get the person to stop. Sometimes it’s out of concern for the upset individual, but at other times, attempts to stop…

