Q&A with Tangi0

Imperial Enterprise Lab
Imperial Create Lab
2 min readApr 8, 2016

Tangi0 are revolutionising the way we interact with the world by replacing complicated electronics with an intuitive soft material. See them pitch at the Imperial Showcase on April 27th.

What was the point of inspiration for your innovation?

Tangi0’s team have various previous experience in manufacturing and design consultancy works. We have a deep appreciation of how complicated it can be to make an electronic product. The frustration has been our point of inspiration to think on the making and designing process from a different perspective.

How did you come together as a team?

Tangi0’s co-founders met during an exhibition in the university. We immediately realised that we both offer complimenting skill-sets to the team and we share the passion to get an innovative technology in people’s hands. We have been working together since to develop the technology further while bringing on new additions to the team.

What has your journey been since then? How has the VCC helped?

The VCC helped Tangi0 to achieve several key milestones through a short and intense period of time. We have got real traction from the market and established contact with potential clients; we have taken the prototypes to an advanced stage; and we have built a versatile and passionate team.

What is the vision for your company?

Tangi0 aspires to show that an aesthetic language can become a useful technology itself. We are shifting the focus from building smaller, smarter and more sensors into products, to tailoring a functional material to its most ergonomic, intuitive and engaging form. We envision powerful applications in autonomous driving, zero waste economy, and connected city. We will continue making products that people have never seen before and are passionate about, through effortless and elegant manufacturing.

To see Tangi0 pitch for £10000 alongside 6 other teams then grab a ticket to the Imperial Showcase on April 27th.



Imperial Enterprise Lab
Imperial Create Lab

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