Q&A with UQuant

Imperial Enterprise Lab
Imperial Create Lab
2 min readApr 11, 2016

UQuant have developed a new form of uncertainty quantification that has applications in GPS, finance and even on Mars. See them pitch at the Imperial Showcase on April 27th.

What was the point of inspiration for your innovation?

We knew we had a new technology that could do amazing things and wanted to apply it outside academy.

How did you come together as a team?

We both work in the Uncertainty Quantification Lab of Aerospace Engineering at Imperial College.

What has your journey been since then? How has the VCC helped?

The VCC helped us to focus more on what problems are important for people and not interesting from an academic point of view.

What is the vision for your company?

We want to change the world of virtual prototyping so that future methods can predict the failure time of aircraft and car engines beforehand. Accidents will never happen again.

To see UQuant pitch for £10000 alongside 6 other teams then grab a ticket to the Imperial Showcase on April 27th.



Imperial Enterprise Lab
Imperial Create Lab

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