Impetus: the coin to end ad abuse

Samuel Kurtmann
Impetus One
Published in
3 min readMay 8, 2018

Brand with purpose wants interested consumer. Jaded by conversion rates.

Ad pissed consumer wants some action. Needs a nudge.

Frustrated publisher wants out of click bait. Not out of business.

Ad exchange wins big, loves the status quo.

In comes Impetus: the coin to end ad abuse

PPC Kings in an ailing kingdom
“Here’s a thought: let’s shove ads at the consumer, charge a fortune and hope they love it.” If it sounds abusive, it’s because it is. And yet that’s how the online advertising industry now operates.

Advertisers pay spiralling PPC costs and line up for unpredictable conversion costs for the “meet” with the consumer, or proof of its existence: the click. It’s a lot of bubble wrap.

Two thirds of the market leader’s revenues are expected to come from mobile, but the technology used is mostly desktop based.

Start-ups have huge barriers to entry, as key words are already locked down by the big names.

Mistakes cost dearly, with inexperienced or momentarily inattentive users spending the entire budget with little or no results.

Click fraud and click bots dilute the traffic quality but show on the bill.

Not in the least, ad titles and descriptions shorter than a Trump tweet are not for everyone.

Getting attention online is expensive and takes a lot of skill.

Ultimately, budgets switch hands from advertisers to Google and Facebook without much value added in the process. In fact, the supposed winner, the consumer, gets nothing little other than bombarded with intrusive ads.

The consumer, though, is always there looking for ways to satisfy their needs and wants. In the absence of engaging conversations, they tune out.

Online advertising, made right
Can online advertising make the “meet” happen? Can it make consumers turn towards rather than away from the brand message?

Yes, if it speaks to their wants and needs.

A sports brand could reward users for running X miles or burning Y calories. Specific goals and rewards defined in relation to consumers’ goals will lead to higher CTR (Click Through Rate) and Mission Fulfilment Rates (MFR).

Motivation always beats assault. Paired with technology that empowers consumers’ life goals, it’s online advertising made right in a whole new channel: Impetus.One.

Customer rewards, powered by blockchain
Impetus.One is a revolutionary advertising engine for customer rewards, powered by blockchain.

It operates on a Pay-Per-Mission principle: the reward, 70% of the allowed ad budget, is given to the customer after the set mission goal has been accomplished. The recruiting app or publisher gets 20% and Impetus.One keeps the remainder 10%.

The advertiser adds the campaign on the Impetus.One platform and is charged only when the mission is proven as complete. Publishers register their apps on the platform and show targeted missions campaigns.

From the publisher ad, consumers land on Impetus.One to create a free account and sign up for a mission. To cash the Nudge Toeken reward, they will need to download the Impetus.One mobile app. A guaranteed official Impetus platform rate of 1$ for 1 Impetus is in place for all reward cash outs. They can then exchange it into their currency or make Impetus payments wherever Impetus is accepted.

Impossible in the traditional economy due to high banking fees, cryptocurrency Impetus makes all these transactions fast and virtually free.

Nudge token will be the only currency available in the Impetus.One ecosystem. A mobile ad reviewing app will push the Impetus.One token into the market, with cryptocurrency rewards to ad reviewers.

Want some Impetus? To get stuff done. And clients. And ad sales.
The next frontier in online advertising is the customer-brand interaction that delivers thrilling UX with grass level demographics targeting and tracking.

Impetus.One is a means for advertisers to engage with their customers based on shared goals and bond in the process.

To one it delivers the advertising they actually want to see. To the other, the consumers who actually want them in their lives. With Impetus, they meet.

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