Join the Impetus One team at the upcoming rockstar event on Blockchain, May 30, Cluj

Impetus One Team
Impetus One
Published in
2 min readMay 28, 2018

It’s about time to go on tour and meet all the crypto enthusiasts out there. Ready, steady? Meet the Impetus One team on May 30 at this cool meetup put in place by the awesome dudes and dudettes from We will be there to discuss how we can disrupt the online advertising through blockchain technologies and what’s Impetus One goal.

Our very own CEO, Samuel Kurtmann, will give you a quick and exciting overview of how we’re changing the paradigm in online advertising. By the way, we’re almost 10K members on Telegram, in our chat group, so we’re not the only believers.

But let us give you a sneak peak before the event:

Google and Facebook advertising costs have gone way through the roof!

Due to their growing complexity, the advertising apparatus of companies is bloated, putting an even bigger strain on their budgets. In the meantime, users are being bombarded with tons of ads that are turning them ad blind. Isn’t there a better way to do advertising? Well, now there is! More at Blockchain, the new internet meetup in Cluj! Save your spot and meet us there!

Impetus One: what we do, how we change the game

We’re not the outsiders, we’re the innovators

Impetus One is an online advertising platform that offers brands direct means of interaction with their customers by providing crypto rewards for fulfilling their life goals. Brands no longer need to spend their budgets on inefficient ad-campaigns that offer little to no real interaction with their customers. They can choose to directly engage with their communities by providing rewards for completing missions in line with people’s life goals.

We are aiming to replace Pay Per Click (PPC) with Pay Per Mission (PPM): a unique concept to the online advertising industry!

Brands set out what the customer needs to do, and the customer gets rewarded when completing the mission. Both parties interact and develop a special bond. This is how brand loyalty and emotional attachment is fostered. The more creative and customer-oriented the missions are, the higher the quality of interaction and chances for the mission to be completed.

For more information about our project, subscribe to updates on our Impetus.One website and connect with us on: Telegram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, BitcoinTalk, Medium.

If you have additional questions about Impetus One’s use of blockchain or need more information on Impetus One’s upcoming ICO, feel free to reach out anytime.

