Import Notes and Activities into HubSpot with a Bit of Wizardry

Ashley Milne
Published in
1 min readJan 3, 2018

You are looking to use Hubspot, and want to retain the notes and activities attached to your contacts, as these interactions help manage and strengthen customer relationships. But alas, Hubspot does not currently support the import of your contact notes, tasks, emails, calls, or meetings (HubSpot refers to these as ‘Engagements’).

Import2’s Import Wizard tool makes these imports possible. How?

Import Wizard utilizes the power of Hubspot’s API, and provides it to you with the simplicity of a familiar CSV import interface.

Simply connect your Hubspot account, and upload your file. We’ll then walk you through mapping your columns to Hubspot fields, and then begin your import. It’s that simple!

Our goal with Import Wizard is to remove your import obstacles, and make it possible for you to import anything, anywhere. Give it a try for free!

