Zendesk App for Agents to Track Their Own Performance

Ashley Milne
Published in
1 min readNov 12, 2016

For all you Zendesk support agents out there — this is your app!

We have built a new data metrics app designed for and accessible to all Zendesk support agents — Ticket Metrics.

With this app, you have instant access to metrics for specific tickets you are working on. These metrics provide insight into your performance by tracking things such as:

  • First Reply Time
  • Requestor Wait Time
  • Number of Agent Replies
  • Number of Reopens

No longer are your performance metrics compiled “behind the scenes”, reviewed only by management, and gathered into the larger pool of your entire support team. This app is about you.

Use the data to monitor your own performance and let it empower you to improve (or pat yourself on the back!) and strive to reach your personal goals.

Best of all? It’s free!

There is no setup or technical expertise needed. The metrics are built for you, all you do is head over to the Zendesk Marketplace, install the app and you can start seeing the data in your current tickets!

Doesn’t that information feel good?!

