Benefits of Time Management

Summer Yu
Managing your time effectively
2 min readFeb 21, 2018

In modern day society, time management is a skill many people lack due to the increasingly encouraged culture of “distraction.” People tend to feel the need to check their devices every couple of minutes for a text, email or alert while they have more important things to be spending their time on. I am guilty of being one of those people that feel the need to check their phones every few minutes and get lost in their own thoughts. I do not manage my time as well as I want to therefore, I am interested in researching about this soft skill to master my time management.

Time management is an extremely beneficial attribute to have because it helps you prioritize your work, accomplish more quality work, and reduce the stress of waiting last minute to complete your work. By prioritizing your work, you acknowledge what needs to be done first and manage how much time you need for each task that needs to be fulfilled. Likewise, managing your time well also helps you accomplish more quality work because you give yourself a sufficient amount of time to focus on and complete the given task. It also reduces the stress of procrastinating and the feeling of being overwhelmed with not having enough time to complete a task.

The goal for the end of this project is to show that time is of the essence and its important to manage it well especially when its limited. I will measure my progress by dividing all my workload per week and seeing if I accomplish each task on time. I plan on achieving my goal by planning out all the work that needs to be done for the week and distribute certain tasks on specific days of the week. I will mark down each time I don’t complete an assignment on time and each time I do complete it and see how my progress is during the duration of three weeks.

