No Such Thing as Time Management?

Summer Yu
Managing your time effectively
2 min readMar 5, 2018

I recently came across another blog post on Medium called “Why there is No Such Thing as Time Management” by Anthony Moore that relates to the topic of Time Management, but gives a more distinctive perspective on it. Moore explains how people don’t understand how time works, how successful people view time, how to accomplish 3 years of work in 30 days, and how busyness and stress are the enemy of all. However in the midst of all this, one thing that really stood out to me was the topic of how to complete 3 years of work in 30 days.

Moore uses NaNoWriMo as one of his favorite examples, “If you’ve never heard of it, National Novel Writing Month is a challenge to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. Every year, thousands of writers finish enormous books in 4 short week. Many of these writers have created six and seven figure incomes from their NaNoWriMo Projects” (Moore, 2017). This was an interesting concept to give an example about because in most cases writers struggle to produce quality and plentiful amount of work in such a short period of time under pressure. However, through NaNoWriMo, writers have gained success and created six or seven figure incomes from their projects.

This is a very efficient way to practice managing your time effectively because it maximizes your time and cut out all the distractions and fluff. By doing so, you can accomplish more in one week when it would take others a few years to complete. I realized through Moore’s example that people perceive themselves in a time bubble and don’t know the amount of work that can be completed in a couple of hours if utilized correctly. This motivates me to start getting rid of every single bit of distraction in my life and focus on completing my work and only my work to see if I can achieve what the writers of NaNoWriMo achieved.

Work Cited

Moore, A. (2017, December 12). Why There is No Such Thing as Time Management. Retrieved March & april, 2018, from

