Child Support Payments Should be Capped at $5,000

Glassford Crossfield
Important Miscellaneous Posts
10 min readDec 12, 2022

One can argue that 5,000 dollars is too much.

Some women are bringing home more money in child support than some heart surgeons are bringing home in their salary.

Isn’t that absurd? Doesn’t that sentence just look ridiculous when looking at it, and when said aloud?

Who thought that this was a good idea? When did child support become a lottery ticket?

The key word in child support is SUPPORT. It was meant to be a support system, a little extra to make sure the kids can have their essentials. It was never meant to substitute a salary.

If both parents are working, I’m sure that the court can come to a feasible conclusion on the proper payout.

Here’s an article on what child support was originally intended for and some of the system’s glaring flaws:

When a lot of fathers walk into family court they truly feel like they are guilty until proven innocent. It seems like most judges assume that the father is an unfit parent until proven otherwise.

Ye formerly known as Kanye West has recently been victimized by the family court.

Now I don’t agree with everything the man says, my personal feelings about him have nothing to do with how unfairly he’s been treated by the family court much like many black fathers.

Set aside your disdain, if any that you have for him and focus on the bigger picture and what it means.

Ye has been ordered to pay 200,000 dollars a month in child support. Isn’t this outrageous???!!

I do not care about Ye’s salary, no one should be paid an amount that is greater than the salary of a doctor.

ESPECIALLY considering that his ex-wife Kim Kardashian is far from broke. You can now make the case that Kardashian makes more than Ye as he has been dropped from a lot of his major deals.

Kardashian’s net worth is nearing 2 billion. The divorce has had virtually no impact on her income and finances, why was child support even given as an option?

Take note that Ye has tried numerous times to remain ever present in his children’s lives.

Even in scenarios where the parents make similar money or the woman makes more, it is still the man coming up with the short end of the stick.


The article up above from reads, “The goal is to ensure that children affected by divorce are able to carry on with the life that they are used to, says Jacqueline Newman, a managing partner of the New York divorce law firm Berkman Bottger Newman & Schein, LLP.”

I don’t know about anyone else but when I read this I lost my mind!

The goal is to make sure that the children can carry on a life that they are used to??!!! How does that make sense??!!

Kim Kardashian alone can provide more than enough to maintain AND elevate the lives of their children.

The child support system, along with family law is seemingly much more for the penalty of the father than it is for the betterment of the children.

Please read that article when you get a chance. They really honed in and focused on the idea of trying to maintain the lifestyle of the children, that they aren’t normal children, and that they need more resources than the average child.

All this is true but $200,000 is far too much, that is more than 2 million a year. The fact that Kim Kardashian is already wealthy should factor in when signing off on such an egregious amount.

Is there no way that Ye could help his children maintain their lifestyle while not being forced by the government to pay 200,000 dollars a month?

If I ever have to pay that amount to keep my children they better be living with me. I know what a lot of people are going to say, “They can’t give the children to Ye because he is mentally unstable.”

But he’s in peak mental condition for the system to rob him blind? He’s in perfect mental health for them to take his money? He’s unstable but his money isn’t?

If he’s soooo mentally unfit to be a father, and soooo unfit to have sole custody then why take his money at all??

Would you take the money of someone you thought was mentally ill?

The children’s lifestyles would not change regardless of what parent they chose. And who made it mandatory for luxury to be maintained?

Would it be malicious to ask their children to go to a cheaper private school, or God forbid a public school. Would it kill them to go to a cheaper restaurant, cheaper hotel, go to a cheaper college or maybe not fly private?

It’s mandatory to uphold what the court deems as a suitable lifestyle for my children without the parent’s consent?

Why does the court get to dictate the lifestyle that I should provide my with children with my money?

Why can’t I decide to provide the essentials for my children?

The article goes on to talk about Kirk Kerkorian who was ordered to pay 10 million dollars plus 100,000 dollars a month EVEN after the ex-wife admitted that the child was not his biologically.

The article also mentions that Nick Cannon, father of 11, has paid a lot more than 3 million dollars a year in child support.

Now let’s go back to the very pivotal word of support. Support is help. Well at least that’s what it is supposed to be.

No woman should be given so much support that she then never has to work again. If working is optional, it is no longer support, they are actively receiving a loan that they do not have to pay back.

My biggest question here is, if someone can afford to pay you a salary in child support, why not give custody to the father?

This doesn’t just go for celebrities. If support is needed, why not just give the children to the parent that is providing said support.

If the woman can’t afford to maintain the bare necessities on her own, why not award the father with full custody and then she’s allowed visitation?

Another question that I have is, why don’t women have to show proof of what she spent the money on?

If the mother shows no interest in obtaining a job then the payments should be lowered, or taken away entirely.

If she’s shown the inability to get or maintain a job then the case should be reopened to see if the father should be the one with full custody.

Clearly if she doesn’t have or can’t maintain a consistent job then she is in no shape to be a parent.

The other key word in the term child support is CHILD. Prove that the dollar amount that you are receiving every month is going towards the betterment of their child.

Child support was intended to be spent on the child’s NEEDS, not for leisure, not for wants, but needs.

It is highly unlikely that the women who are receiving a salary from some men in child support are spending 100 percent of that check on their children.

If the record comes back that she is mishandling the money consistently then the court should order that she pays the money back, or her monthly payments should be lowered.

There should also be proof that the woman is actively searching for work.

5,000 dollars a month is slightly above the average salary of an American. I had to accumulate that amount in college debt to hopefully get a starting salary in that range.

For those of you that think “5,000 dollars is nowhere near enough where I live,” that’s a lie. I know what an expensive city looks like. I’m from New York City.

Five grand a month isn’t enough to live in luxury but it’s certainly enough to survive, also keep in mind that this is support, meaning I’m getting 5 grand a month plus the money that I’m working for.

Rapper Saferee was ordered to pay 4,000 dollars a month and his ex-wife did not take it well.

Can you imagine? You have an extra 50,000 dollars coming in and you’re breaking down in tears. What nonsense.

If you feel as though the dollar amount isn’t enough to support your children then give them to the parent who can.

Safaree isn’t even a well known rapper, it’s actually quite surprising that she got that much. An extra 50,000 dollars PLUS her salary again is MORE than enough to maintain their children’s lifestyle, especially when you consider their father still being active in their lives.

5,000 dollars should be the maximum amount of money paid out to any parent, regardless of the income the parents makes.

But here is the beauty of it all. If five grand a month is not enough to live in L.A., New York, Chicago or Miami… you can simply leave. Believe it or not, there are plenty of cost efficient cities in America.

There is a strong case that even 2,000 dollars a month is more than enough to take care of a child if both parents are actively working. Two grand is more than enough to support a child’s needs.

There should never be an incident where any parent gets to sit around while they are able to live comfortably off of someone else’s hard work that was supposed to go strictly towards the child.

A lot of you are thinking that the only scenarios that I am referring to are the child support that celebrities and athletes have to pay.

“5,000 a month is not enough for a millionaire to pay.” First of all, yes it is.

The amount paid should be more focused on the dollar amount that is needed to take care of the child, which is far less than 5,000 dollars.

Let’s ignore the unique scenarios that the celebrities and athletes are in for a second as the overwhelming majority of people will never see those kind of paychecks

There have been far too many cases of the average man that cannot afford to make his child support payments.

It’s almost as if they are punishing poverty. Imagine being thrown in jail for being poor.

Here’s an article on why jailing someone who can’t pay their child support is wrong:

Growing up, if I could even get 1,000 dollars a month I would have been ecstatic as a teenager. Heck even if I got $500.

Why is there no reevaluation for the amount that should be paid every 5 years?

Every 5 years, every child support case should be revisited. We don’t know if someone’s circumstances or life has changed significantly.

A one year old does not cost the same as a six year old, a 10 year old does not cost the same as a 15 year old.

It’s not fair that someone would have to pay the same dollar amount from age 1 to 18 with no further investigation.

There should be a mandatory 5 year reevaluation for every child support case, not just for the dollar amount that should be paid but to evaluate on how fit the parent with custody is to be a parent.

There are far too many horror stories of men paying child support for children that are not theirs, because of this I believe that anyone who is ordered to pay child support should have to take a mandatory DNA test.

Here are some examples of those cases:

I can fill out a whole page worth of these instances. And I know exactly what the critics will say, “these cases are not common.” Doesn’t matter. The fact that it happened once is more than enough for us to do something about it, or do we just keep waiting until these instances occur more often?

There are some cases where the man finds out that he is not the father of the kids that he has paid child support for later on. In these such cases, the woman should be ordered to pay the money back.

All of family law needs to be reconstructed. The courts so heavily favor the mother, it is even dissuading men from wanting marriage at all.

This next story that I am about to share with you truly breaks my heart. The story is about a child who was statutorily raped by a 20 year old woman.

The child was 14.

They came knocking on his door at 20 years of age and told him that he owed 6 years worth of back child support.

Yes, you read that correctly.

He was raped at 14, didn’t know about his child until he was 20, and then was ordered to pay for the last 6 years plus interest and to continue paying moving forward.

If this story isn’t enough for you to at least consider family court as being an issue then I don’t know what is.

The Lead Attorney on YouTube

The default court decision should be joint physical custody, not full custody to the mother and giving the man visitation.

The biggest and most important lesson to be learned here is for the men.

Please!!! I am begging you!!! Don’t ejaculate in a loser.

The best way to avoid a court system that is clearly against you, and to avoid women living off of your dime in luxury is to properly vet the women that you are having sex with.

If you feel like she would make an unfit mother or if you’re unsure if she would make a good mother, don’t relieve yourself in her, or don’t give her the satisfaction of laying with you at all.

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