Should You Take the COVID-19 Vaccine?

Glassford Crossfield
Important Miscellaneous Posts
7 min readDec 20, 2020
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It all depends. For me personally I’m not going to take it, simply because I feel like I don’t need to take it. I wrote a whole article on some of the best ways to combat COVID-19.

You can find that article right here:

The most important thing to do when trying to avoid the Coronavirus is to wash your hands. I honestly don’t know why that philosophy is not being preached as much as it should be. In the article I wrote, I spoke on how experts agree with my sentiments.

I wash my hands on the regular basis so my fear for contracting the Coronavirus is virtually nonexistent.

One thing that I strongly dislike about today’s society is that far too often we take things way out of proportion. There are people out there who honestly think that the government is trying to use the vaccine as a way to try to eradicate some of the Earth’s population.

I kid you not, people believe this. Yes people think that the vaccine is a ploy for population control.

For the people that are adamantly against the vaccine, I would just like you guys to keep in mind how many of the past vaccines that have worked.

Think back to all the lives that those vaccines have saved, and the overall good that they did for society. Some of those diseases were wiping people out in boatloads, due to a vaccine they are now no longer an issue to humanity.

Outbreaks and diseases such as: Yellow Fever, Polio, Measles and Smallpox has done SIGNIFICANT damage to the world in their time. Yet all of them have looked like child’s play when confronted with a vaccine.

Every single last one of those sicknesses have virtually dissapeared entirely. I just want people to know that vaccines actually have a history of working.

LITERALLY billions of lives have been saved due to vaccines.

I’ve also noticed that most of the people who are opposed to the vaccine are people who haven’t directly been affected by COVID-19. Most of them haven’t caught the deadly virus or haven’t had their loved ones affected by it.

It’s easy to say that you don’t want to take the vaccine when you or no one surrounding has contracted the virus. The people that have been directly affected will undoubtedly take any measure necessary to make sure that them and their family are safe.

So when you try to scare people away from taking the vaccine you can actually be doing more harm than good.

COVID-19 is something that has to come to an end in order for society to move forward. Outside of a vaccine, what other options do we have in order to rid the world of the Coronavirus?

Clearly the virus isn’t going to go anywhere on its own, so something has to be done to pick up the process.

People far too often complain about the problem without providing the solution. So if you suggest that we don’t take the vaccine, what better options do you suggest we look into to get rid of the virus?

The plans that have been implemented in order to stop the spread of the virus have not been working as numbers have been increasing. talked about the increasing numbers, “The New York Times reports the daily average of new COVID-19 cases this past week was 211,008. That’s 29 percent higher than the average recorded 2 weeks ago. The new average includes the 245,033 new cases reported on December 16.”

Read the entire article here:

Relying on people to just follow the rules has gotten us nowhere. It has been made clear that people are going to do what they want to do. You can advertise all the safety precautions you want and people still won’t care.

How are you going to help people, when too many of them are too stubborn to listen? A vaccine is likely the best option to get rid of this thing.

If you don’t want to take the vaccine, you have every right not to. I just don’t want people to encourage other people not to take it because this might be our best option in order to eradicate this issue.

Also you may come off as insensitive and selfish to people that have been hit hard by the Coronavirus. Take someone like Karl-Anthony Towns for instance, who has lost 7 family members due to the Coronavirus.

Here’s a video on Towns opening up about losing 7 family members to the Coronavirus:

Video Credit:

How is he supposed to feel when he sees countless people trying to turn people away from taking the vaccine.

I’m sure he probably more than anyone wants to get rid of this virus, and for people to push people away from the vaccine may make him feel like people don’t care about the countless deaths that this virus is causing.

Towns has firsthand seen the damage that the virus has had on his life. For so many people to be condemning the idea of the vaccine, he may feel like people are willingly turning a blind eye to something that is massively detrimental.

For someone like Karl-Anthony Towns there is no way anyone with a straight face can give him a valid reason to not take the vaccine.

There is no doubt that Towns is willing to try anything for his family’s safety, and he should not be discouraged to do so.

The goal of my blogs is to help people sympathize with the opposition. So I do understand why some people have their reserves about the vaccine.

Anything new that comes out, people are often skeptical about it because the very first product can sometimes come with some defects.

There are some people that are concerned about the side effects that the vaccine may have.

Some of the detrimental side effects might not be made well known until years later. I can understand a certain level of skepticism, especially when there is some talk about making the vaccine mandatory in some places. also talks about the minimal risk of side effects relating to the vaccine, “Among participants who received the vaccine and those who got the placebo alike, the reported rate of serious adverse events is less than 0.5 percent, with no significant differences between the two groups.”

The article went on to speak on the most common side effects relating to the vaccine which were fatigue, headache, and muscle pain. These side effects sound minor in comparison to the high upside that the vaccine could possibly bring.

“Injection site reactions, some aches and pains, some other potential side effects — versus death. That’s the balance people have to think about.”

You can read the rest of that article here:

So far the vaccine seems like a risk worth taking.

Unfortunately vaccines are a sort of trial and error situation. In order to get the formula right and to find out if it works, people have to take it. We really won’t know if the vaccine works until years later.

It’s kind of like an experiment, but to find out if an experiment works we first need enough data gathered. We all have to wait and find out if it works, but we NEED enough people to take it in order for us to find out.

Taking the vaccine like many things in life is a risk and again I am open to hearing other options. I think it’s a risk worth taking but if you don’t want to be a part of that risk I respect that decision.

I mentioned before that I’m not going to take the vaccine but if a future employer or school I attended made taking the vaccine mandatory, I wouldn’t be opposed to it.

Ultimately I feel like there’s no real need for me to take a vaccine because I’ve never had it, the people that I’ve been around have never had it, and I’ve tested negative twice for COVID-19. So for me personally I don’t think I have anything to worry about when it comes to the virus.

To all the people that don’t want to take it, all I ask is that you don’t encourage everyone around you to not take it. If you don’t want to take the vaccine, please try to understand why people want to take it and why some people need to take it.

You especially shouldn’t be encouraging people not to take it without all the facts, and if you don’t have a better way to get rid of Covid.

Since the virus isn’t going anywhere, it is imperative that we find a solution as soon as possible. The quicker we find out whether or not this vaccine works, the quicker we all can revert back to our normal lives.

The vaccine could be a key for us to return to normalcy.

