Why Black People Should Stop Voting

Glassford Crossfield
Important Miscellaneous Posts
5 min readSep 3, 2023

Now, me personally as an African-American adult man living in the United States of America I’ve made the decision not to vote.

The main reason why I don’t vote is because of the Electoral College. I live in New York City and every single time since I’ve been born, New York State always votes Democrat.

I’m not a villain also known as a Republican, but if I were to decide to vote Republican my vote wouldn’t matter in the current state that I live in.

I’m not even registered to vote.

That’s how little I believe my vote matters.

If I was to vote Democrat, it wouldn’t matter if I show up or not because we always end up voting Democrat anyway.

If I were to vote Republican, it also wouldn’t matter because due to the Electoral College, Republicans don’t stand a chance of winning my state.

No matter which way I vote, my vote truly won’t affect the outcome of the election.

I’m not here to talk about the Electoral College if you would like to talk about the Electoral College please check out this article right here:

I’m here to talk about another reason why black people shouldn’t vote.

The Democrats have such a strong hold on the black vote, leading them to put forward minimal effort to improve the community.

They know no matter what they do, no matter how much they fail the black community that whoever represents the Democratic Party will receive the black vote.

If I know that you’re going to vote for me every single time no matter what, why would I do anything to improve my stance or put any effort to follow through on any of my “promises.”

It seems as though at times that the black community only exists around election time.

Only when we threaten to leave the party entirely will they then put in an effort to try to keep us.

Far too long the black community has been taken for granted.

This is similar to a stagnant relationship.

When someone in a relationship takes their spouse for granted their efforts start to decline, only when they realize that their spouse is serious about leaving them will they finally start to get their act together.

Do you know how bad it is??!!!

Joe Biden prior to being voted president said on a popular radio show, “If you don’t vote for me, you’re not black.”

That’s how locked up the black vote is, he already knew who black people were going to vote for.

The black vote is so locked in to the Democratic party that the represtative of the party did not hesitate to chastise and belittle any black person that decides to vote against him.

Was there even a hint of outrage when this white man was questioning a black man on his blackness?

Of course not, the black community took these comments in stride and did not react, and guess what they did?

Voted for Biden. Biden knew he could do or say no wrong.

The Democrats put no effort in because they know that the black vote is guaranteed, the Republicans equally put in no effort because they know they don’t stand a chance in prying the black vote from the Democrats.

Another reason why I don’t vote is because it seems as though no matter who’s in office the black community doesn’t get much of an improvement.

This goes for the Clintons of the world, the Obamas of the world, the George Bushs and even the Donald Trumps.

I have not seen a significant change in my life, my friend’s life, my family’s life or my community’s life and I’ve been on this Earth for 27 years.

It does not matter who is in office, a Republican, a black person, a white person, someone in the independent party, the black community still has not seen significant change in almost 30 years.

People who are older will say it has been longer than that.

Now I’m no dummy.

I understand that there’s more context to these situations and you can’t strictly depend on the President alone to improve your life.

But the amount of support that the Democratic party gets from the black community, you would have thought that they have done some life-changing works for the community.

They simply have not earned our unbridled, undying blind support.

What’s the solution?

The solution isn’t necessarily going all in on Republican support either.

We’ve had Republicans in office and they haven’t done much for the community as well.

The solution is to not vote at all.

The Biden Administration is worried that they won’t have the black community’s support going into this upcoming election in 2024.

If the black community chooses not to vote, that will force both parties to actually show and prove why they need the black community.

If the community as a whole decides to take their vote back, we’d be the hottest free agent on the market.

If you watch any sports when you’re a superstar free agent, every team is vying for your attention and offering you their best possible deal in hopes of getting you to signed.

It’s time to take back our power and make one of these parties work to get us AND keep us. It’s not enough for them to make a pitch and get us to sign, we have to hold them accountable, and make sure they follow through.

No more blindly following a group for years on end regardless of what they do and say to us.

There will be a lot of people in the older generation saying, “they’re have been far too many people that have fought and died for our right to vote, it wouldn’t be fair to disregard their sacrifice.”

There is some truth to this statement, but they didn’t die for our vote to be used like this. They wanted our vote to mean something and for it to go forward towards the betterment of our community.

Voting is supposed to give us power, and currently our community doesn’t seem to have much of it.

How many years are going to go by where neither party does anything for us and we just blindy decide to take the side of the “lesser evil”?

It’s getting harder to decide which party is truly the lesser evil.

How many presidents are we going to have to go through for us to realize that the effort isn’t there?

Let’s try this experiment for one election and see how they react. They might actually do the things that they say that they were going to do.

Imagine a world where they follow through on their promises.

Stay home, relax and when both political parties see the drastic dip in the number of black people supporting them. They’ll be forced react.

They need us more than we need them.

We have nothing to lose, at worst they’ll just continue doing nothing for us.

