Why I Hate Woke People

Glassford Crossfield
Important Miscellaneous Posts
7 min readMar 12, 2023
Photo Cred: Ebony Magazine

Aren’t those “woke” people so annoying?

Those people that always try to tell you how to live your life, and how you’re wrong for living the life that you choose to live.

They’re usually pointing out the flaws that you have and how you just don’t understand how you’re being controlled by “the man.”

I’m here to tear those people to shreds. Those people have been giving me pain and agony for decades now, but that ends today.

Woke people are so fake and pretentious.

Woke people come across as if their mental capability is far beyond that of us mere mortals.

They believe that they’re on a higher astral plane than us simpletons, and that they’re in space where the common man is too illiterate to comprehend their “foreign” concepts and ideologies.

They’ll often call themselves “spiritual”, believe in every conspiracy, eat a clean diet, manifest like none other and claim that their mind, body and soul are in unison.

Unlike us “sheep.”

It is so mind-numbingly frustrating when someone who considers themselves to be woke think that you just can’t compete with them intellectually because you’re so “unaware.”

The woke people that I’ve spoken to seemingly know and acknowledge my intellect.

Yet still they come off condescending as most of them believe that while I’m intellectual, they are a step above me because they are intellectual AND aware.

This is where I believe the biggest disconnect comes from between me and these people.

They shame me for not being as aware as they are. They believe that if most people would seek the truth like them then a never before seen superpower would be revealed.

They look down on those people without their superpower because who in their right mind would ignore such an awesome power for free that any and all people have access to?

What does it mean to have this awareness superpower you may ask.

Most woke people claim that they are aware of how the world really runs, aware of the underlying motives of the world, aware of what they put in our food, aware of the future trends and what they really mean, aware of how the mind and body are supposed to operate, and the list goes on and on and on.

With this mindset of constantly focusing on the deeper meaning behind the most minuscule act or event, how can someone truly ever enjoy the simple things in life?

How can you enjoy a beautiful sunset when you constantly have to ask yourself how the sun was created or if the sun is a social construct?

How can you enjoy a cup of coffee at Starbucks when you have to sit there and ask yourself about the devious ways they market to us?

Seems like a horrible way to live life. Sometimes I just want to enjoy my McChicken without thinking about the bigger picture.

They’ll take the simplest thing and turn it into a lecture.

They’ll do this in hopes of trying to help you realize why this seemingly small part of your life is just a small part in an ultimately bigger plot.

You’ll be crossing the street and they’ll go on a rant about how it’s ironic how the crosswalk figure is white, and how things are designed for the white man to succeed.

Imagine how draining this must be to overthink the most minute detail.

These complex theories that a lot of these woke people follow are not new found theories, these are not new complex ideas.

These old conspiracy theories that these people tend to mindlessly follow are not new or unique.

I’ve been hearing about these conspiracy theories since the age of nine.

The only difference is that I feel differently about those theories.

I am just as aware as they are but when I find someone that disagrees with me, I don’t imply that they aren’t on par with my intelligence.

I also leave room for the fact that I may be incorrect.

When you disagree with a “woke” person on one of these well known non complex conspiracy theories they make it seem as though you are completely unaware of the world surrounding you.

And that only the intellectual elite truly know and understand what’s going on.

When you disagree with these people they have the audacity to call you sheep.

Can you imagine?

They mindlessly follow these theories, oftentimes with no proof and they have the nerve to call someone else sheep.

They act like you couldn’t possibly comprehend what’s going on.

I fully understand what they are talking about, I just don’t feel the same or care nearly as much as you do.

Can we please focus on the sheep word that has me so frustratingly annoyed every single time I hear it.

If you’ve read one of my articles you know that I’m known for my controversial takes and I am far from sheep, as I regularly have an unpopular opinion.

One can imagine how my jaw drops every single time I hear someone call me this.

I almost equate it to a slur because I HATE SHEEP. People who hop on any trend and have a propensity to fit in by any means.

Let’s be honest, being woke is now a trend. Now everyone is woke, coincidence?

If you believe in every conspiracy theory, news flash my friend you are sheep.

Instead of trying to point out every single conspiracy in every single event that happens in the world, I rather do my best to focus on things that I actually can control.

Am I less aware if I decide to do so? Should I dare not challenge those who perceive their intelligence to be higher than mine? Should I be treated like a second class citizen if I disagree with the mighty woke?

I hope you guys can truly feel the passion through the page because sometimes speaking to someone who’s woke is like speaking to a Kanye West fan.

Every Kanye fan swears that he can do nothing wrong and that us simpletons are just too inadequate to understand what Kanye is truly trying to accomplish.

Akin to Kyrie Irving fans as well.

They’ll call you close minded when you disagree with them, and shun you because you’re not woke enough.

These groups of people will say everyone else is closed-minded but oftentimes they’re the ones who are close minded, uninterested in other people’s opinions, and unwilling to hear any conflicting opinions.

You aren’t woke because you prefer lettuce over a Big Mac, you aren’t woke because you think 9/11 was an inside job, you aren’t woke because you think the media is controlling us.

Again please let me reiterate that these are not new found or intricate concepts, the average human being would understand all of these concepts with ease.

You are not a philosopher.

The biggest thing that I truly despise about the woke mob is that they NEVER do anything! They are all talk!

Sure they’ll talk about the conspiracy theories and the atrocities of the world.

They’ll even go as far to make a post or send out a tweet making sure to keep their audience “aware.” But when it comes to actually making an active effort to combat some of these problems they disappear.

They have all this knowledge just to sit on their palms, which is fine, no one is obligated to help out.

If you’re sitting on your palms, act like it!

Act like you’re no better than me… because you’re not! The results of you not doing anything prove that you’re not.

You can’t look down on people that don’t share your views when they’re doing just as much to solve the problems just as much as you do.

All those moon crystals in your household haven’t encouraged you to do a damn thing about the causes that you claim you care so deeply about.

Your superior intellect has led you to a vegan lifestyle with no tangible acts for you to see change in your community.


Until you’re leading those frontlines, I don’t want to hear about how unaware I am. I am aware that all yo do is talk.

Talk down on me once you’ve done something noteworthy that positively impacts the world.

If you’re woke I don’t have an issue with that. I do have a problem with the fake wokies who just want to be woke for the sake of being woke because it’s the cool thing to do right now.

I don’t have an issue with woke people, I have a great issue with people who act as if their “wokeness” puts them a level above me and others.

If you are actually woke and you approach others with an open mind in an attempt to educate them without dismissing their opinions, then there wouldn’t be a reason to write this article.

If the goal is to educate and create stimulating, thought provoking conversation, then I wouldn’t mind.

I’m accepting of all opinions, unfortunately the woke mob is not.

None of us truly know the ideal way to live and think, this is why I often don’t comment on other people’s lives and their beliefs.

There is something that we ALL do that can be pointed out that many other people would find abnormal.

Just because you read Dr. Sebi’s biography does not mean that you’re woke.

Just because you know more about a particular topic does not make you smarter than me, nor does it give you the right to talk down on anyone.

I likely know more about basketball than you do, does that give me the right to speak condescendingly to you?

If I don’t know about a particular topic, it is likely because I am far less interested in that topic than you are.

