Why Prostitution Should be Legal

Glassford Crossfield
Important Miscellaneous Posts
4 min readAug 31, 2023

For a long period of my life I believed that any kind of prostitution should be illegal. I was one of the people who believed that if a man were to pay for sex that he was the epitome of a loser.

As I grew up and found out more about prostitution I began to realize why sometimes it may make sense.

I’m not advocating for anyone to pay for sex, what I am doing is advocating for you to listen and to hear me out.

One of the greatest benefits of legalizing prostitution is that once legal it can then be properly taxed, helping the populous as a whole.

Prostitution is something that is going to happen legally or illegally, knowing this, why not add a benefit that we can help us all out.

Another benefit of making prostitution legal is that the health and safety of sex workers would be in far better condition. Sex workers would be able to take legal action for anyone who does not follow protocol.

As one could imagine there is a lot of violence against sex workers, oftentimes they cannot retaliate as they know the profession that they are in is illegal.

They wouldn’t want the authorities to know the origin of their relationship.

They would feel far more comfortable doing their job knowing that if anything were to go awry, they would have the law on their side.

A lot of sex workers are being violated by people that they work for and sometimes by the people that request their services.

One of the biggest reasons why I think this should be legal is that I think that rape and sexual assault would take a massive decline if prostitution were made legal.

Imagine the amount of men on the verge of forcing themselves on women, instead having the option to legally find a way to release that aggression.

A lot of men choose not to go the prostitution route because it is illegal and the negative stigma that comes along with it.

Some men feel like if they have to pay for it then they are a great big loser because they had to pay for something that millions are getting for “free.”

It is FAR more gratifying laying with someone that you figure likes you for you, and it is not always a good feeling thinking that women wouldn’t willingly sleep with you if there were no price involved.

If made legal it’ll be much more commonly done and the stigma wouldn’t be as prevalent. There would be less shame behind the act.

I think more men would resort to releasing that tension through prostitution rather than feeling the need to aggressively go after women.

School shootings would take a massive decline if prostitution was readily accessible to the public. When you hear these stories about school shooters they typically don’t live very vibrant social lives.

Getting some sexual gratification and validation would help them think more clearly and feel more accepted by society.

The release and gratification they’d receive would be temporary, however it would at least help them forget their innermost traumas long enough to the point where they wouldn’t act out in such a violent egregious manner.

There’s a reason we never see the jock, captain of the football team or the ladies man in high school resort to expressing their violent tendencies by shooting up the school.

This may be a far-fetched solution, but one definitely worth trying.

Let’s talk about pornography real quick.

In this funny Family Guy clip it shows a man seemingly paying for a prostitute, the cops run in ready to arrest the gentleman, the man then alerts the cops to the camera that they have set up in the room to record themselves.

The cops then let him know that he is all clear and that they won’t be arresting anybody. One of the cops says, “As long as you’re filming it and selling it, it’s legal.”

Although intended to be satire, this clip had me thinking. What if someone were to pull this stunt in real life? Would they get the same result?

I also got to thinking that at its core, pornography and prostitution are essentially the same thing. Paying someone to have sex.

Why is one legal and the other is not?

The only difference is a camera, and I haven’t done the research but I’m pretty sure that PornHub pays taxes.

Because porn is legal, they have to go through regulations in order to remain in service. There are certain rules that they have to follow, they have to go about things in a professional manner or face the consequences.

This same process should be added to the prostitution world.

