Why Can Travel Tracking Facilitate the Work of Consultants?

Today’s technologies, in particular, mobile technologies, can assist in tracking and recording on real-time trips and travels related to consultancy. Such records can help develop efficient management of consultant’s trips across sectors such as law, construction, education, marketing, engineering, IT. Consultants are considered self-employed, and they must calculate their taxes and make quarterly payments to revenue services.

!important’s aim is to protect the lives of pedestrians with the use of AI technologies from autonomous vehicles. For further information visit site at: important.com

As an industry, the consulting industry has a value of around $250 billion and is one of the largest and most mature markets in the professional services industry (www.consultancy.uk). Over the past years, the global consulting market has grown gradually, with an average compound annual growth rate of 4.1% year after year.


Nevertheless, the consulting industry relies heavily still on manual human labour and time management. Therefore, hiring independent contracts can be a challenging and risky issue, as they include compliance with changing regulations, liabilities, miscommunication, and time-costing. One of the ways that will aid to solve these issues is by creating effective time management and tracking of the consultants as it can boost revenue for both the independent consultants and clients.

A way of addressing the solution is by creating a self-tracking application that will register the route of consultants and how they have trajected their path. This signal can be sent directly to the revenue services for taxes. It can aid many independent consultants by saving their time and having the government only observe their routes to calculate their income and provide their taxes by the end of the year.

An international company, !important, is working on an application that is to take into concern the safety of consultants and pedestrians, while also working on aiding consultants to facilitate their taxes with revenue services. The application is made with data-based, P2V (pedestrian to vehicle) and P2X (pedestrian to everything), artificially intelligent tools solution that will create a better living and aid the automotive industries.

The self-tracking application will be created with artificial intelligence and GPS signals, which will be registered in the application and sent directly to revenue services. The purpose of creating the app for consultants is to get precise information on how they have trajected their route and create automated reporting and payment depending on the extra time they did.

Not only will the application aid the consultant to facilitate their taxes but also protect them from self-driving vehicles. Consultants tend to move fast from one place to another, either on footstep or with a vehicle. Therefore, protecting pedestrians and consultants is a primary objective.

In this fast pace world, efficient applications can be critical for a consultant to reach efficiency, as they can plan appropriately and help track their routes to save more time, and perform their taxes. It will also provide consultants with a stable outlook on their path while being protected from self-driving cars, which is a necessity in today’s world.

