The Thrill of Hope

Seth Thomas
impossible light
Published in
2 min readDec 10, 2016

There is snow on the ground today. And with its silent arrival, the world seems to pause, taking a long cold breath. We need a snow day here and there for a little reset.

Taking this breath can remind us how tired we are, how weary this time of year can make us.

The familiar carol “O Holy Night” says that it is in a “thrill of hope” that the weary world rejoices. True, disruptive, world-changing hope that breaks out with the dawn at Christmas is thrilling because it helps us rise from our tired states and revives us for a new life living in the light.

This week, we have hoped for each other, for our world, for our own lives, waking to a thrilling understanding of how the light of Advent turns the world upside.

Today, I rejoiced at the snow on the ground because it gave me pause in the weariness to recall all the goodness I am blessed with. It is a step in the preparation for Christmas — a part of the waiting and longing of this season. The waiting causes us to hope in something yet to come, slowing down to pay attention for the coming of Christ, much like a snow day slows us down to a place of rest and quiet.

How have you been invited to rejoice in your weariness this week? How has the thrill of hope inspired you to move forward, not by moving faster, but by slowing down and looking ahead with intention?

Grace and peace,


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