Impossible Minds: Chanita Nichols

4 min readSep 9, 2020

Our Impossible Minds series profiles the individuals who are building new possibilities for the future across technology, design and culture. Chanita Nichols is our Senior UI UX designer at Impossible, who is impressed by her team’s support and desire to create applications that genuinely help people.

What do you enjoy about your role at Impossible?

First of all, I want to express that I am truly happy that I finally found a company and a team that cares for each other. Impossible people who make better products for the greater good. I feel that we are drawn to each other, me, Impossible, and the team. I have an awesome team that truly has my back, a team that is ready to thrive, open-minded, ready to make something wonderful for the world. We are all dreamers who are ready to turn our dreams to reality.

As a Senior UI/UX designer, I work on complex application that help others. It’s not every day that you have teams who truly appreciate who you are and what you have to offer. It is amazing when you have that support, so you are willing to go the extra miles. The work can be hard and very demanding but it makes it so much easier when you have a team like this one, so you can focus on what truly matters. The team is willing to listen, push me to be better, see things from different perspectives for the greater good. The feedback comes from a good place, with no hidden agendas. We all teach each other to be kind to one another. The leadership cares and acts on it, not just empty words. Plus you get to be you here. Be just as you are. You don’t have to change for anyone. You can fully express the potential that you have to offer.

What problem are you solving now?

Oh god, where do I begin? We are all in a tough time, with the pandemic, CA fires, global warming… but what I am working on is using design to eliminate inequalities, to help those who do not have a voice, those with mental health issues and those who are sick with illnesses. I have personal experience, but fortunately I was able to come out on top, although it was a rocky road before I got here. I know how hard it is so I want to pay it forward by using design to help. When we come out of these situations, it is the path that we choose that defines who we really are. We all have the choice of how we want to act and react when we face difficulty. For me, I choose to be kind, to be happy, to walk away from toxic people/situations, and help others. Life is too short. Once you realise that you can lose everything in a second, you reconsider how you think and act.

What are you currently obsessed with and why?

I am currently obsessed with fasting and meditation. I believe that to be able to think clearly and be happy you need to have good health and a good mind. In order to do that, I work from within.

What do you want to create next?

I want to create applications that help people with mental illness, people who face life’s challenges, lose their jobs, go through a breakup, lose their loved one, get stuck at the moment where there is no answer. I realise how important it is to know that there is help out there. That you are not the only one and it is ok to be sad and unhappy. So next time when you ask someone, “How are you?” consider whether you want to know what they are truly feeling or if it’s just another open-ended question.

Tell us a story

What I will tell my younger self is to be true to yourself, stand up against injustice, inequality and do what is right even when all odds are against you. Appreciate the simple things in life that you sometimes take for granted. Be happy that you still have the chance to make a difference and be the difference. Keep those who truly care for you close and ignore those who ask you to change for them and poison your life. Give back and help others if you can, not everyone has a second chance. Be kind, you don’t know what their story is. Live the moment and don’t give up.

Tell us something not many people know…

I am terrified of heights.

What are you most proud of?

I am proud of the person I am becoming, after the good, the bad and the ugly. I managed to grow and choose the right path that makes my parents proud. But most of all, become someone that lives with principles and no regrets.




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