Why the Social Media Algorithm Can Be Poison for Content Creators

It’s not about your metrics either, it’s about you.

Michael LaNasa
The Westbound Creative
5 min readApr 17, 2021


How many times have you flipped through Instagram for a quick dopamine hit, only to leave less inspired than you began? Swap that for Medium, Twitter, or any other of the apps wanting your attention.

The psychological impact of social media is pretty well cataloged at this point. The Social Dilemma on Netflix is a fantastic documentary that pulls back the curtain. Experts and insiders all confirm exactly what we suspect. It’s all built to turn us into the product. You’ve heard the quote.

“If you’re not paying for the product, you are the product.”

When Instagram began discussing the removal (or hiding) of likes on posts in 2019, it sparked serious debate. We knew the implications but didn’t want to give up our dopamine source. Nobody wanted to acknowledge the constant feedback loop, feeding comparison, and FOMO.

And while this isn’t news, there’s another side effect that affects us all, especially content creators. Let me explain.

Back to the Instagram scrolling experience for a moment.



Michael LaNasa
The Westbound Creative

Writing for the lost + the found. ‣ One part entrepreneur. Two parts creative. A dash of nomadic irreverence. ✖ Here to support and inspire life-long learners.