Poetry Inktober 2020 pt. 4

I’ve made it until the end, woohoo! I honestly can’t believe I stuck with this until the end, but I’m glad I did. It taught me a lot about the way I think and forced me to get creative on demand, which obviously didn’t work every day. Although not all of these poems and writings turned out well, I do actually like a couple of them, so I guess that’s mission achieved.

Thanks for reading them and I hope you got inspired to write some of yours too. :)

#22: CHEF

This one killed me, no inspiration whatsoever.

He’s the greatest chef of all,
he has eggs and bacon in his thrall,
so come and eat your breakfast roll!

#23: RIP

Whoever invented nylon tights should be hanged.
Uncomfortable, itchy, smooth torture devices,
encasing my leg like a sausage.
Sweaty feet. Expensive plastics.
My skin can’t breathe,
my stomach boils over the waist.
A rip! And I’m no longer presentable.
Just a rip and I’m free.

#24: DIG

Dig, dig, dig through to the other side of the world!
Dig through your nose right into your brain.
Dig deep in your soul and see what you’ll find.

#25: BUDDY

A friend, slapping my shoulder for courage.
A grandma, petting my knee like a child’s.
A hug, a kiss, a pat on the back.
Smiling people, shaking my hand upon meeting.
Harmless touches, welcome or allowed.

But you.
You’re not my buddy, my friend or my lad,
so keep your goddamn hands off my butt.

#26: HIDE

Today I’d like to hide in my bathtub. I’d like to wrap my space in the shower curtain, draw water boundaries and saturate my breaths with rosemary scent. I’d like to find peace in the bubbles, each one an another world, full of potential. I’d like to hide my imperfections in the water, unstring the bow of my mind and drain the tension away when I pull the plug.

“That will be 2.99 for the bath bomb, please.”

#27: MUSIC

“…and I say thank you for the music” Nope, that’s an ABBA song. Hm… Is there a word that rhymes with music?
For me, music and written word operate on an entirely different plane. Try as I might, writing something that would make even passable sense around the word music was a no go. I would’ve had an easier time drawing something inspired by music, but I decided against it. Music should be heard and felt, not confined to words and images.

#28: FLOAT

What’s that? A goat, floating on a boat?
Is it an argument of note?
She’s kept afloat by luck and grit,
with nary a determined bleat.
She gets my vote.

Whatever floats your goat man.
I can’t argue you with you about dinner anymore.

#29: SHOES

What’s a new pair of shoes to a man who sings the blues?
He’s been up, he’s been down, he’s got nothing left to lose.
His soul is scarred, his face a frown, the whole world let him down.
His evenings pass with bass and booze, he only answers to his muse.


An ominous silence.
A horror movie?

A lull in the music?
A villain prowling about?

No, the children are quiet.
The calm before the crash.

#31: CRAWL

Obviously this one had to be a bit spooky and Halloween-y.

Come to me, oh spirits of the earth and sea.
Gather round and tell me a tale.

Show me your sorrows, your past and your strife,
share your power on this holy night.

Creeping they came, crawling in the dark.
They swished and swayed, unwanted they stayed.

The girl who asked and begged for a tale,
now forever is caught in the ghostly gale.

Their power is hers, her will is theirs.
Her candle will burn in the window no more.



Petra @Erratic Engineeress
Impressions - a product of random creativity surges

Curious mechanical engineer, Tribology PhD student and a passionate traveller who still believes in dragons and goodness. Blog: erraticengineeress.blog