How iOS Messages Could Go From “I’m Leaving Work” to “I’ll Arrive at 14:10” in One Tap

Petter Silfver
Improving My Everyday with Design
2 min readMay 12, 2015

Ever since Apple launched Family Sharing with iOS 8, me and my girlfriend have been using the “Share My Location” setting in Messages. We’ve tried Find My Friends, but the seamlessness of enjoying a short text conversation and then by just one single tap on “Details” get each others current location has been perfect for us.

But just as many other couples and friends, we also tend to send short messages almost every day along the format of:

“I’m leaving work now”


“I’m at the subway in 5”

That information has always been a bit incomplete for me. At what time does she really arrive? Should I wait with the food, or go for a quick workout before she gets home? In a not so Apple-esque manner, I can either:

  1. Ask her and hope for a reply, or…
  2. …tap “Details”, tap the map to get into the map view, tap the information icon and chose to “Open in Maps”, and from thereon try to figure out an ETA.

But I’ve had something with a bit less friction in mind for a while. So by mashing together Family Sharing with text recognition for Calendar events and Directions in Maps, I give to you:

Photo by Luke Pamer, iOS 8 GUI PSD by teehan+lax and iPhone 6 — Scalable Mockup by JustD

Sure, there are bits of information missing in their current services and some really smart assumptions to be made — but one can still dream, right?

On a different note: I spend my time designing experiences for other people. Users and clients get all of my attention between 9am and 6pm. Now that I‘m picking up writing again, I’ve come to realize that I want to focus on experiences and products where I’m the one tapping, clicking and enjoying.



Petter Silfver
Improving My Everyday with Design

Head of User Experience at Volvo Car Mobility (previously R/GA and Doberman)