It’s A Boy!

Reflections on my first 24 hours of fatherhood

Jared A. Brock
Improving Together


A chubby little baby holding its parent’s hands
This is not my child. I don’t even own a cell phone — you think I’m going to post a photo of my son online?!

Listen to the audio version of this article for free on the Surviving Tomorrow podcast.

I’ve wanted to be a dad since I was six years old.

When my little brother Ben was born, my mom used to lay him on my chest every morning while she got ready for the day.

It was during those precious skin-to-skin times that I knew fatherhood was for me.

Fast-forward thirty years and I’ve just become a dad for the first time.

His name is Concord Thoreau Brock.

Concord means “peace.”
Thoreau means “strength.”

Concord is our favorite revolutionary town in America — home to the Alcotts (of Little Women fame), Ralph Waldo Emerson, the Hawthornes, and Henry David Thoreau (the father of environmentalism and philosopher whose pacifist writings inspired Gandhi and MLKJ.)

(You can donate to his college/sovereignty fund here.)

The stats:

  • 38 hours in labor, 11 of which were spent at a pub. (It’s a long and extremely British story.)
  • 28 medical personnel over 5 wards and 3 shift changes
  • Over four hundred 60+ second contractions recorded



Jared A. Brock
Improving Together

Read my new myth-busting book on the politics, economics, and philosophy of history's most influential revolutionary: