Want to Be Happier? Repeat This Ancient Four-Word Phrase Every Single Day

A centuries-old monastic practice could be the key to happiness

Jared A. Brock
Improving Together


Photo by Renato Danyi from Pexels

“When a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully.” — Samuel Johnson

When I was eighteen years old, I got in my car with three friends and took a month-long road trip from coast to coast in celebration of our graduation from high school. When we reached Vancouver, I dropped the boys at the airport and drove back home alone.

When I was somewhere in Montana, I stopped at a shop on a Native American reserve. As I wandered the aisles in search of snacks and drinks for the road, I somehow ended up in the jewelry section. In between all the kitschy designs was a simple, unembellished ring. I’m not a jewelry-wearing guy, nor am I a mystical person, but I felt somehow drawn to it.

“That’s real Montana sterling,” the proprietor said. “Local mountain silver.”

“I’ll take it,” I replied.

I paid the man and slipped the ring on my thumb as I returned to my car. As I drove east, listening to music, I tapped my new thumb ring on the steering wheel with pleasure. But why did I buy it?



Jared A. Brock
Improving Together

Read my new myth-busting book on the politics, economics, and philosophy of history's most influential revolutionary: https://agodnamedjosh.com/