
IM Super League
Published in
Jun 15, 2021

Nombre: IM Super League
Symbol: $IMSL
Decimals: Nine (9)
Total Supply: $IMSL 200,000,000,000

Token distribution

  • 50% burned on genesis.
  • 5% reserved for development and marketing.
  • 5% reserved for content creators, and giveaways.
  • 40% circulating supply (20% private sale and 20% ILO).

Price Stability
There are $IMSL 80 Billions circulating on the market to satisfy demand and offer a price stability to HOLDers.

HODLers are vital on the decision-making process on IM Super League community, users HODLing any amount of $IMSL will be able to vote on very important decisions like setting and changing the rules, adding or removing guest teams, adding o removing new features, etc.

Other Aspects

  • Manual burns from reflections at certain milestones.
  • Liquidity pool locked on Unicrypt.
  • Verified Contract on BSCscan, soon to be audited.



IM Super League

The Super League everybody will like is happening real soon on the blockchain.