Adventurer’s Guide to Crypto: Your Art in Shanghai’s Art Space Gallery

Our NFT Artwork Collecting Campaign with StaFi

2 min readAug 11, 2021


Artists, do you want to take the leap into the crypto world? Join us and we will put the best artwork into a real exhibition, offline, in Shanghai!

Together with StaFi, we present: The Adventurer’s Guide to Crypto World.

How to become an adventurer

Step 1: Put on your adventurer’s hat

Step 2: Send us your art

Step 3: Become part of the art exhibition The Art Space gallery (in Shanghai).

Submit anything, from comics, virtual paintings, short videos, short essays and poems, electronic music, mixed art, scanned versions of your painting… and anything else, here:

Submission form:

Note: The submitted artwork does not need to be minted into NFT. After the entry is shortlisted, we will guide the finalists to mint their own work into NFT.


  • First Prize: 1x 2000 NMT
  • Second Prize: 5x 1000 NMT
  • Third Prize: 5x 500 NMT

Note: NMT is the NFTMart’s official token


  • Submission: Only until August 30th 2021
  • The judges select the shortlisted works
  • Sept 6th: Entries list is released
  • Sept 10th — Sept 24th: Art exhibition at The Art Space in Shanghai
  • End of September: Online auction, and specific auction information announced

Note: Artwork does not need to be mint as NFT on the chain. After the entry is shortlisted, we will guide the finalists to experience casting their own work into NFT.

Our Judges

  • Song Yang: Young artistic opinion leader, who focus on the application of classical and modern elements;
  • Daren: Graphic designer on Blockchain media PANews, who focus on blockchain history and knowledge application
  • Liu Tian: A creator of theater art, who focus on the value application of overall aesthetic education quality control and aesthetic dissemination
  • Nicole.Gong: Tsinghua X Space Encryption Art Director, who focus on the mixed application of humanistic spirit in multiple artistic forms

Thanks for Support

  • Instructor: Shanghai Youth Development Foundation Aesthetic Education Cultivation Special Foundation
  • Art exhibition support: The Art Space of №27 Huqiu Road
  • Technical support: NFTMart
  • Event operation support:
  • CyberMedia
  • School of Design and Innovation, Tongji University
  • Tsinghua University Tsinghua x Space
  • Meta Network
  • The Force Community
  • Strategic support:
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