[IM Progress Updates] imToken to Support EOS Wallet Mapping Function



Hi, imToken Supporters:

imToken is delighted to announce that we will support EOS wallet mapping functionality from our next update, version 1.4.3. The expected release date is 24th March.

Why is there a need for EOS wallet mapping function?

According to EOS website, EOS tokens will not be transferable on the Ethereum blockchain 23 hours after the completion of EOS token distribution period on June 1, 2018 at 22:59:59 UTC. Users who wish to receive the native EOS cryptographic tokens will be required to utilise the EOS.IO software to generate a JSON file mapping EOS public keys to the fixed balances of the EOS tokens from the state of the Ethereum blockchain.

Security reminder: Please ensure that private key of the EOS wallet is properly backed up to prevent loss of native EOS tokens.

Will imToken help users automatically map wallets?

imToken is a decentralized wallet service provider, users retain the full discretion of individual private keys. The mapping of EOS wallet to Ethereum blockchain involves execution of smart contract from the user’s wallet which requires password confirmation from the user. Therefore, imToken will not be able to execute the process on behalf.

Security reminder: The mapping process is only complete after the official mapping of EOS wallet public key and backup of private key are both done.

In addition, imToken is the first ever wallet that supports mapping of EOS wallets. imToken has developed EOS wallet mapping function in-house at the beginning of EOS crowdfunding. If user has done the mapping prior to the announcement, there is no need to repeat the process, wasting gas fee for the mapping process again. However, please be reminded to securely backup your EOS wallet.

Will imToken support EOS wallet mapping?

As mentioned earlier, smart contracts invocation is required for EOS wallet mapping, an unnecessarily complicated process for retail users. As such, users may attempt to conduct the mapping process with the help of external software/wallet, importing imToken private key to other platforms, jeopardising the security of your assets. To minimise the exposure of risk for our users, imToken WILL be implementing the EOS wallet mapping function, from next update, version 1.4.3. The expected date of release is 24th March, it is difficult to mask our excitement!

For more information about imToken,

imToken Website: https://token.im/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/imTokenOfficial
Telegram Announcement Channel: https://t.me/imTokenAnnouncement
Telegram Discussion Channel (EN): https://t.me/imTokenEN
Telegram Discussion Channel (CN): https://t.me/imTokenGroup
Email: support@consenlabs.com




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