New Feature | The New imToken Open DApp browser

With imToken 2.2.0 we introduce a revamped DApp experience: with open access to all Ethereum and EOS DApps, quick-search bar, categories and more.

4 min readJan 11, 2019


Compared to traditional websites, blockchain-based apps aren’t easy to use. But as the DApp ecosystem develops further, we are optimizing towards great usability!

Check out the new imToken Browser features below and see how they help you to navigate the growing DApp space!

  • Open Access — Direct access to all Ethereum and all EOS DApps
  • DApp Categories — Easily explore new DApps
  • DApp Search — Find your favorite DApp
  • Recently used DApp — Get back to where you left off in a DApp
  • Multi Chains — Display DApps by blockchain type
  • SimpleWallet — Access EOS DApps on your laptop with imToken
  • For devs — DApp Browser Console for debugging
  • News DApp — Check what’s up in crypto land

To check out the details, read below.

No limit — Open all DApps in your imToken

At imToken, we focus on users security and app usability.

We started out with hand-selecting DApps for our users. In the meantime, we were carefully observing whether users are comfortable with the current DApp landscape and finally decided to open access to any DApp available out there!

Therefore, we bring you 100% compatibility with Metamask Provider and Scatter as well as opened access to any DApp available on Ethereum and EOS.

Easy exploring — Find your new favorite DApp by category and blockchain

Do you ever ask yourself: What new DeFi, Exchange or other DApps are out there?
Simply check out DApp categories and see which one fits you best! Finance, Exchanges, Games, Utilities and Social.

Want to jump right back into localethereum where you had a trade open?
Find your recently used DApps right on top!

Want to get a break from EOS and check out Ethereum?
Seamlessly switch between one or the other blockchain and its decentralized applications.

Find what you need — The easy search brings you to your favorites

The last 6 months saw an explosive growth in the number of DApps. For you to still find what you want, we give you a concise search function similar to what you are used to from your phone, app store or laptop.

And if you want to follow the trend (or if you’re bored), check out the most used DApps.

SimpleWallet — Simple access to EOS

The SimpleWallet protocol lets you scan a QR code on EOS DApps in your desktop browser to log-in with your imToken wallet. Similar to what you know from Whatsapp or Wechat web applications.

For developers — Debug using the DApp Browser Console

We listened to your feedback, and following DApp SDK and full compatibility with Metamask and Scatter, we bring our favorite people — the DApp devs — the DApp Browser Console.

Providing a debugging console for developers, we hope to accelerate the development progress of the DApp ecosystem.

Update to imToken 2.2.0 and check out the new features coming up soon

Continuing on the same road, we further explore the following usability improvements:

  • Personalized DApp List — Add, Remove, Sort DApps and specific URLs
  • Wallet Switch — Handover and Sharing of Wallets within DApps
  • DApp Ranking — Find the most used DApps within the whole browser
  • DApp tutorial — Learn how to use a DApp right within the browser

To get the new features …

… update to the latest imToken 2.0 on your favorite app store (Google Play; Apple;

If you want to take your imToken account to imToken 2.0, check out the tutorial below:

About imToken

imToken is the world’s largest Ethereum digital asset wallet, whose users produce ~10% of all Ethereum transactions. imToken provides access to Ethereum, BTC and EOS.

Our amazing new imToken 2.0 International introduces features, such as:

  • BTC Segwit, ETH, EOS wallet support
  • Address book synchronized over IPFS
  • Native DEX integration: Tokenlon
  • Secure Cold Wallet setup
  • Updated DApp browser
  • DApp News Feed

Get the new imToken 2.0 in your favorite app store (iOS, Android) or on our website.

In case of questions, write us an Email




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