Polkadot and Kusama now on imToken: Stake, Send & Receive

Claim your DOTs, earn tokens by staking your KSM & DOT, send tokens on Kusama. All you need for Polkadot & Kusama 🚀

4 min readJul 23, 2020


Today, we are super excited to announce support for Kusama and Polkadot!

Simply update to the latest imToken (in your favorite app store) and …

… get started with Polkadot and Kusama:

  • 📲 Claim your DOTs from the DOT sale
  • 📊 Create new Polkadot and Kusama accounts & 🔐 backup multiple accounts via one Mnemonic

… grow your balance:

  • 💱 Send & receive KSM & DOT
  • 📈 Check your transaction history & portfolio prices
  • 🏛️ Staking: Bond & unbond KSM & DOT

… be part of the network:

  • ⚖️ Vote on proposals
  • 👨‍⚖️ View active validator set & nominate validators

In short, imToken has everything you need 🎉 And additional Polkadot features will be added soon.
Seriously, all the tools are here 🛠️ And if you still find something we don’t support yet, let us know in the comments!

Why we are excited about Kusama and Polkadot

Polkadot is going to provide a unique, new kind of blockchain for our users.

Rather than one blockchain with many features, Polkadot is a framework in which many blockchains communicate with each other while keeping their own specific features: Some chains might be faster for quick transfers, others are optimized for storing value.

This unique design promises faster transactions while keeping similar security promises as for example Ethereum.

For us, Kusama is a first step towards Polkadot, and a chance to support an innovative network with an impressive value proposition.

imToken — All you need for Kusama & Polkadot

We already showed how to stake DOT and KSM in imToken. Now, let’s get into all the other features we build for you. Let’s get right into it:

How to Stake DOT & KSM using imToken

Vote opens the Governance and Staking opens the staking app.

To stake, click on Validators and choose your favorite ones — up to 16.

Claim your DOTs from the crowd sale

Open Browser and click Claim Your DOTs.

You might have already opened one or two or three … DOT wallets. Never mind, here you pick any of your DOT wallets to claim the DOT tokens to.

And create new Polkadot and Kusama accounts & backup via Mnemonic

Open your imToken app and enter your new Kusama (or Polkadot) wallet.

Select a wallet, then select Manage.

Add Coin to add KSM or DOT under your current main Identity Wallet.
Or, click Add Wallet to import an existing one.

Send & receive KSM and check your transaction history & portfolio prices

Check your DOT and KSM portfolio, send KSM to your friends and check your transaction history. Later also DOT.

About imToken

imToken is the world’s largest Ethereum digital asset wallet, whose users produce ~10% of all Ethereum transactions. imToken provides access to Ethereum (ETH), Polkadot, Kusama, Bitcoin (BTC), EOS, Cosmos (ATOM), TRON, BCH, LTC, Nervos (CKB) and more.

We hope you like what you see! If you miss any feature 🛠️, let us know in the comments or directly in the app and we’ll get back to you.

… or directly on www.token.im




Wallet for Ethereum ETH, Bitcoin BTC, Arbitrum, Optimism, zkSync, Aztec, Polkadot DOT, Kusama KSM, LTC, EOS, Tron TRX, Cosmos ATOM, BCH, Nervos and more