Progress Update | 2018/08/24

Published in
4 min readAug 24, 2018

Another progress update coming your way!

Before that, just a gentle reminder, imToken 2.0 is officially launched. Download it directly on our website, or in the apple app store and google play store.

Just about a week ago, there was the White Valentine’s day, on the 7th day of the 7th month in lunar calendar. The imToken team came together because we love each other so much (and also because we spend most of our time together, I do mean most of our time), more details down below. Wishing you a happy White Valentine’s day!

So, who is ready for the new updates raise your hands!

Mixed responses, but I will take it…. Let’s go!

Technical Updates

Something New

Remember that we attended the Nifty NFT conference in Hongkong just a few weeks back? That was the first hint that we will be implementing the ERC-721 into imToken. We gained a lot of insights and gathered feedback from the conference, indirectly improved the development efficiency of the implementation.

We kickstarted the internal testing phase for the ERC-721 support at this moment. You will be able to store and view your precious collectibles like CryptoKitties, HyperDragons or trading cards, directly in imToken very soon. Stay tuned for more updates!

User Experience

What is important for a consumer based product?
User Experience!

We heard you and it is definitely something we will continue working on, making imToken better and better after each iteration.

Updates over the past few weeks:

  • Supported accelerating pending Ethereum transaction by increasing gas price.
  • Supported increasing nonce for multiple pending transactions, so that transactions will not cancel each other out.
  • Supported price display for more tokens, in collaboration with
  • Upgraded parity node to minimise transaction failure rate.
  • Simpler feedback submission channel with imToken app.

Additionally, let us know whether you will recommend imToken to your friends and family in our “Net Promoter Score Survey” at the wallet page. On a scale from 1 to 10, 10 will be a perfect score for us!

Decentralized Exchange: Tokenlon

Tokenlon is the native decentralized exchange built by imToken, making an advancement towards the ideal world with frictionless digital assets flow. We are putting in much thoughts and considerations to further improve the user experience, along with upgrades done by our partner, Kyber Network.

Updates for the past few weeks:

  • Automatically include new trading pairs from Kyber
  • Improved frequency of updates for the exchange rate from Kyber

Bugs Fixed

Over the course of the past few weeks, we have received feedback for more specific device-related or account-specific problems that some users experienced.

Bugs fixed over the past few weeks

  • Fixed bugs on incomplete display of assets after importing wallet from imToken 1.0.
  • Fixed bugs on transaction errors on certain ERC20 tokens.
  • Improved ENS loading time.

Community update

Now, to the fun things!

imToken Half Year Meeting

Our administrative warriors poured their effort into organising a half year meeting for the company in China. The agenda for the event was clear and concise:

  • Review of results for the past six months
  • Planning and goal-setting for the coming months
Ben’s review of results for the past 6 months

The imToken team flew in from all over the world and cities to attend this meeting, hoping to share our thoughts and contribute in the planning. The meeting took for whole day and we ended the day with a sumptuous Chinese dinner and some team bonding games.

Now that we have recalibrated our compass, full sail ahead!

imToken Conquers Huangshan

The gathering of imToken team from all over the world is not an easy feat, and the admin warriors surprised us with another challenge: Climbing the Huangshan (1,864m above sea level).

Faces before we started, the excitement (and not knowing whats laying ahead of us)

The whole journey took approximately 7 hours (from 9am to 4pm). We have so much ‘fun’, walking non-stop, climbing millions of stairs, under the hot sun etc etc.

Our exciting faces before going back to the office, good team good product.

To a better half of 2018!


One more thing before you go, we are still expanding our family. If you are interested, you can take a look at our comprehensive career page right here.

Coming up

If you are around during the Berlin Blockchain Week, we will be co-hosting a meetup with Nervos Network, Origin Protocol and Cosmos, with details here.

For more information about imToken

imToken Website:
Telegram Announcement Channel:
Telegram Discussion Channel (EN):
Telegram Discussion Channel (CN):




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