AI Booster - Harvey AI

DigNo Ape 數遊原人
IMU Framework Design
7 min readMar 17, 2023

Unprecedented Legal AI.

Image credit: Harvey AI


在一邊閱讀蒐集關於AI的新服務、新聞時就有在思考人工智慧、語言模型在律法、稅務的應用,畢竟法律就是以大量人類語言、文字組成的規則體系,剛好這兩天看到一則關於國際會計審計巨頭PwC將與AI 科技新創Harvey建立策略聯盟,目標透過使用自然語言模型、機器學習全面提升法務、稅務工作的各個面向。快速地在網路中瀏覽後發現,幾周以前跨國法律事務所A&O就已經宣布和Harvey建立合作夥伴關係,藉由AI的力量輔助3500+個在多個國家服務的律師。


2022年底OpenAI提供的1億美金人工智慧投資中,Harvey AI名列在其首批名單中,獲得500萬美金的注資。

Harvey AI為前訴訟律師Winston Weinberg和過去在DeepMind、Google Brain、Meta AI擔任資料科學家Gabriel Pereyra在看到OpenAI’s GPT-3無限潛力後共同創辦。

OpenAI指出,Harvey AI正在為所有法律工作流程開發使用介面,透過生成式語言模型,讓研究、起草、分析和溝通等繁瑣任務在直觀的操作環境下變得更高效,共同創辦人Pereyra指出,Harvey的角色並非是來取代現有人力,而是被用來成為律師和法務人士的副駕駛、法律事務與科技創新的橋樑,為律師省下時間,專注在提供更高品質的服務給更多客戶。

截至今天為止,Harvey AI仍屬於Beta版,網站上也僅能加入等候名單,我們目前僅能透過一些評論和新聞拼湊出Harvey的一些細節。Pereyra 和 Weinberg表示Harvey的模型是使用OpenAI的GPT技術(非ChatGPT的API串接)為基礎後,進行一系列的訓練和微調(fine tuned),包括餵給模型法務的資訊、實務範例、參考資料作訓練,和事務所的歷史資料和模板、客製化客戶的資料作微調。




“Lawyers at Quinn Emanuel are using an early version, and Harvey is incredibly promising and represents the future of best-in-class generative AI companies.” — Sam Stake, partner and co-chair of the AI Practice Group at Quinn Emanuel.

“In the new AI tool, known as ‘Harvey’, there is the potential to help deliver more high-quality, life-saving and life-affirming legal services to those low-income communities in need of representation so as to protect their access to justice, and their access to the basic necessities of life. Only through the legal system can those most in need be ensured these most fundamental democratic values. I am so inspired by the generosity of the developers of this unique program to make this potentially invaluable new asset available, free of charge, to the legal aid organizations who work so hard every day to close this devastating justice gap. It is a remarkable gift of justice and fairness.” — David Lash, managing counsel for Pro Bono and Public Interest Services at O’Melveny & Myers LLP. (Lash said this reflects his personal opinion only and that it is not attributable to his firm, which is named for identification purposes only.)

“AI has the power to disrupt the legal profession and fundamentally improve how lawyers add value. Harvey’s offering, even though in its early stages, already shows incredible promise in making lawyers more impactful and efficient, and has the potential to materially lower legal research fees for in-house legal departments and law firms alike.” –John LaBarre, deputy general counsel at Snowflake Inc.

“Harvey’s AI solution marks a huge shift in the way that tax and legal services will be delivered and consumed across the industry. Access to Harvey will be a game changer for our people and for our clients. I am incredibly excited about the problem solving capability that will be generated by combining PwC’s technical capabilities and deep market insights, with Harvey’s powerful AI platform.”Carol Stubbings, PwC Global Tax & Legal Services Leader, PwC UK

Thank you :)

