AI Booster - MidJourney Prompt Helper

Explore styles & complex prompts, visually.

Image credit: MidJourney Prompt Helper


MidJourney Prompt Helper是一款開放(Open Source)且免費專門給MidJourney的提示詞(Prompt)工具網站,用戶可以在使用MidJourney前,對提示詞進行雕琢、加工,讓產出圖片更接近心中所想的風格。

Image credit: MidJourney Prompt Helper

在網站的主頁面,用戶先輸入主要的內容大方向,比如 Castle in style of Rise of Nations、pristine japanese house with a garden in style of sekiro shadows die twice videogame,接下來可以進行以下調教

  • 風格(Styles),比如漫畫風格(comicbook)、達文西(Da Vinci)、未來主義的(Futuristic)、1980年代等。
Image credit: MidJourney Prompt Helper
  • 照明(Lighting),比如背光(backlight)、重點照明(accent lighting)、
    燭光照明(candlelight)、自然光(natural lighting)、螢光(fluorescent)、黃昏射線(crepuscular rays)等
Image credit: MidJourney Prompt Helper
  • 鏡頭效果(Camera/Lens),比如全景(panorama)、單眼(DSLR)、微距鏡頭(macro lens)、針孔(pinhole lens) 等。
Image credit: MidJourney Prompt Helper
  • 藝術家(Artists),比如梵谷(Van Gogh)、比卡索(Picasso)、草間彌生(Yayoi Kusama)等。
Image credit: MidJourney Prompt Helper



/imagine pristine japanese house with a garden, isometric projection, unreal engine, in style of sekiro shadows die twice videogame, digital art, hyperdetailed, hyper realistic, 4K — ar 3:2

Image credit: MidJourney Prompt Helper

/imagine style of rise of nations castle, isometric, videogame, intricate details, 8k, artstation, artgem, 3d render octane — q 2 — v 4 — q 2

Image credit: MidJourney Prompt Helper

/imagine an abandoned shop, apocalypse, trumbledown, mouldered, perished, ruined, damaged, isometric view, isometric projection, in style of 7 days to die video game, digital art, hyperdetailed, hyper realistic, unreal engine, 4K — ar 2:3 — v 4

Image credit: MidJourney Prompt Helper

Thank you!

