How to Import Data into MS SQL Server via R? (Part 1: csv, Excel, Snowflake)

IMU Framework Design
3 min readFeb 8, 2023

Manipulating the data resides in multiple platforms plays fundamental role when you do the data analysis, machine learning, reporting, etc. We are going to discuss multiple approaches of leveraging R to upload the data in csv file, MS Excel, Snowflake into MS SQL Server.

csv into MS SQL Server

  • Required package: RODBC
  • Steps:

Step 0: Set up MS SQL server in ODBC Data Source Admin.

Step 1: Define SQL Server connection.

Step 2: Set working directory and Read the csv file as a data frame df.

Step 3: Import the df into target_laptop_price_csv via sqlSave function.

Step 4: Close the connection.

conn <- odbcDriverConnect('driver={SQL Server};server=Your Server;database=Your DB;trusted_connection=true')
df <- read.csv("target_laptop_price.csv")
sqlSave(conn, df, tablename="target_laptop_price_csv", rownames=FALSE)

MS Excel into MS SQL Server

  • Required packages: RODBC/readxl
  • Steps:

Step 0: Set up MS SQL server in ODBC Data Source Admin.

Step 1: Define SQL Server connection.

Step 2: Set working directory and Read the csv file as a data frame df.

Step 3: Import the df into target_laptop_price_excel via sqlSave function.

Step 4: Close the connection.

conn <- odbcDriverConnect('driver={SQL Server};server=Your Server;database=Your DB;trusted_connection=true')
df <- read_excel("target_laptop_price.xlsx")
sqlSave(conn, df, tablename="target_laptop_price_excel", rownames=FALSE)

Snowflake into MS SQL Server (Method 1)

  • Required packages: RODBC/DBI/dplyr/dbplyr/odbc
  • Steps:

Step 0: Set up MS SQL server/ Snowflake in ODBC Data Source Admin.

Step 1: Define SQL Server connection and Snowflake connection.

Step 2: Define query and run it via DBI::dbGetQuery in Snowflake.

Step 3: Import the df into sf_to_sql_1 via sqlSave function.

Step 4: Close the connection.


conn <- odbcDriverConnect('driver={SQL Server};server=Your Server;database=Your DB;trusted_connection=true')
sfconn <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(), "SNOWFLAKE_General", uid="Username", pwd='Your Passcode')

tablename <- "TestTableFromSFtoSqlServer"
query <- paste0("SELECT * FROM DB.SCHEMA", shQuote(tablename))
df <- DBI::dbGetQuery(sfconn, query )
sqlSave(conn, df, tablename="sf_to_sql_1", rownames=FALSE)

Snowflake into MS SQL Server (Method 2)

  • Required package: RODBC
  • Steps:

Step 0: Set up MS SQL server/ Snowflake in ODBC Data Source Admin.

Step 1: Define SQL Server connection and Snowflake connection.

Step 2: Define query and run it via sqlFetch in Snowflake.

Step 3: Import the df into sf_to_sql_2 via sqlSave function.

Step 4: Close the connection.

conn <- odbcDriverConnect('driver={SQL Server};server=Your Server;database=Your DB;trusted_connection=true')
sfconn <- odbcConnect("SNOWFLAKE_General", uid="Username", pwd="Your Passcode")
df <- sqlFetch(sfconn , "TestTableFromSFtoSqlServer")
sqlSave(conn, df, tablename="sf_to_sql_2", rownames=FALSE)

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