imusify in Japan: Week 2 Update & Recap

The imusify Team
Published in
3 min readJul 12, 2018

Speaking tour from Tokyo, Fukuoka, to Osaka: June 24th — July 3rd, 2018

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David Walters, Marco Aniballi, and Luka Pregelj have just returned from Japan, where they were representing imusify on NEO’s roadshow alongside Switcheo and O3 Labs. It was an amazing experience to watch them from abroad, and we are proud of our team’s efforts.

After our debut at the Japan Blockchain Conference — Tokyo 2018 our team had an interview with CoinTokyo, a Cryptocurrency Web Media Agency with a main readership of Crypto/Blockchain enthusiasts in Japan which was followed by a special NEO Meetup, and then left for Fukuoka — the Silicon Valley of Japan. The Growth Next Event, co-organized by the Fukuoka Engineer Lab turned out to be a great opportunity to connect with audience members on an individual basis and help answer their questions about our project.

After the one night spent in Fukuoka, our guys returned to the Tokyo headquarters for the next big event — Block Co+ Asia, held at the Hilton Tokyo Odaiba. In the days following the presentation, our team was invited for a series of discussions with professors of Keio University and officials of Japanese companies, to discuss how specific technical solutions, such as the “Crowd Cloud”, and P2P micropayments could be used to improve other industries.

imusify in Japan: Tokyo, Fukuoka, to Osaka

The conference closed with a private event where David topped off the already amazing day with a freestyle rap performance, proving once more that imusify is “keeping it real”. Check out our imusify YouTube channel for the highlights.

We were also invited to address the audience at Keio University, a top Japanese university, renowned for excellence in technology and innovation, where our team, alongside with NEO Japan, Switcheo and O3 explained how various applications of blockchain technology can be used to improve the education system.

That was followed by a radio interview, and finally, the presentation NEO Shanghai and Switcheo at Yahoo! Japan headquarters in Osaka.

Presenting our technology and UI/UX solutions to at a room full of Yahoo! developers, was a great experience, and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive.

We are grateful to NEO Japan for inviting us to join the Roadshow and connecting us with the leading minds in the Japanese blockchain space. We also want to thank Switcheo and O3 Labs teams, who treated us as one of their own. Most importantly, we want to thank you — the imusify supporter.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. For being a part of our growing community. There is simply too much news to capture all of it in this short update. You can follow Luka’s blog, where he presents the personal perspective, check out the imusify YouTube channel, where we are sharing videos from the Roadshow, and, most importantly:

Get in touch with us on Discord and where a majority of the action happens, on Telegram for more updates!

In rhythm,

The imusify team

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