imusify Progress Update!

The imusify Team
Published in
4 min readMay 12, 2018

Everything you need to know since our DevCon debut.

It’s been three months since NEO DevCon in San Francisco, which was an exciting event for the NEO community.

On day one, NEO Founder Da Hongfei presented for the first time his vision for the new NEO Smart Economy: the synergy between digital identities, digital assets, and smart contracts. It was iconic to see in person, but the video is worth a watch too. If you weren’t already a believer in NEO’s potential and watched that video, welcome to the club!

Da Hongfei, NEO Founder and Onchain Founder & CEO.

On day two, Fabio Canesin presented the winners of the City of Zion’s first official competition for the development of NEO-based dApps (decentralized applications). The City of Zion (CoZ) is NEO’s open-source developer community, responsible for the NEO wallet, the NEON exchange, and other popular projects. Following the awards, the leading projects presented for the audience. Of the leading projects was 2nd Place finisher imusify, a blockchain-based music platform designed to generate a more secure system for artist income and create new engagement opportunities between artists and fans. imusify’s vision for a new music smart economy complimented NEO’s perfectly.

“imusify got top marks from me for being such a well executed dApp on all levels of the tech stack, from the Smart Contract to the user interface. It was also one of the first dApps to use neo-python as a blockchain middleware for communication between UI and a Smart Contract. I look forward to seeing the project continue to grow!”

City of Zion Council

Nate Strang, imusify COO.

Since DevCon, imusify has evolved from an innovative yet relatively basic application into a sophisticated economy distributed over several protocol layers. Instead of a single ledger for digital assets, digital identities, and smart contracts, imusify will integrate differing protocol layers based upon the security, accessibility, and scalability needs of the many consumer-creator, creator-creator, and consumer-consumer scenarios possible within imusify’s music economy.

Imusify’s NEP-5 utility token, IMU, serves as the platform’s key economic utility for trustful engagements between these users. Imusify’s system creates the most flexible, secure, and sustainable platform for artists to manage the rights to their creative work, and collect automatic and direct payments for engagement (purchases, streams, downloads, shares, likes) with their creative works. This is great news not only for artists in securing the longevity of their income through imusify, but also for the entire IMU token community, in increasing the lifespan of IMU’s value as a utility.

Being a “blockchain music company” is not what differentiates imusify. Imusify is a leader in this space due to its openness to constantly adapt and evolve with new technology and new ideas. Blockchain does, however, play an important role in imusify’s ecosystem. Imusify has chosen NEO to play that role due to the passion behind both the NEO and CoZ communities, and the security and compliance benefits NEO provides as a blockchain.

In building a smart economy for music that can both grow rapidly while providing artists with inalienable rights to their music, the economy’s framework for digital rights management of music content must exist separately from the NEO blockchain. While NEO smart contracts are a secure and viable solution, storing this information on a different layer allows for more flexibility and more freedom for artists to integrate new revenue streams into their work.

In order for imusify’s music platform to be attractive for use to all demographics of music fans, the means for exchanging value on platform must not be limited to cryptocurrency. While the IMU token will provide accessibility and security to the world’s crypto-fanatics, imusify’s main focus is supporting artists and building an inclusive music community. imusify is designing a transactional system that maximizes artists’ opportunities for income by building a protocol layer that freely accepts both fiat currency and IMU tokens. By educating fiat users and creating additional channels for them to purchase IMU tokens, imusify is actively welcoming new members to the crypto community, and again preserving the longevity of IMU as a utility.

The “Digital Divide” often separates music consumers in their purchase preferences.

So how does one get some of these tokens? The IMU token sale is rapidly approaching. The public pre-sale begins July 1st, offering a 30% discount to token buyers. The main sale follows with a tiered discount structure beginning at 12% and decreasing to 0%. The good news, is that imusify’s whitelist application for the first round is open right now, in order to participate you can apply here and capitalize on this early discount.

IMU will be listed on several exchanges following the ICO, and tokens purchased at any stage of the sale are not vested and can be traded on exchanges freely. imusify will also release its first platform version that integrates the IMU token towards the end of the year, allowing holders to realize the token’s purpose as a utility. The imusify team shares the community’s excitement towards launching and will announce an updated development roadmap in the coming weeks.

Updates and announcements are made through Telegram, with longer announcements published through imusify’s Medium publication.

To apply for the #getIMU sale now, fill out this application form.

Airdrop and bounty program information will also be released publicly soon!

In rhythm,


