In a good place. Part 0.

It’s been two years since I wrote. I mean, I’ve written countless Facebook posts, Twitter tweets, and other snippets on the internet but it’s been two years since I really wrote. From the heart.

Right now it’s 11:31PM PST on Monday, February 23rd, 2015. As I sit here and ponder how to continue, the little digital clock on the bottom right corner of my monitor flicks 11:32. Ok, here we go.

Almost exactly 12 months ago I made the biggest change that I had made in the 21 years of my life. 12 months before that, I would never be able to imagine where I’d be now. (note: okay, if you know me in any capacity then you know that this is regarding moving to LA for a job. I’m just writing it this way to be dramatic and for anyone that happens to come upon this.)

Why do I say this? Well, it just so happens that I made this change on February 28th, 2014, my 22nd birthday. Technically my birthday. I was born on leap day. Most of my birthdays are lost somewhere in between February 28th and March 1st, similar to how there are infinite numbers between 0 and 1.

Considering the timing of my birthday, the timing of the “big change” that I made, and the fact that I was about to have another birthday, I figured it was appropriate to use it to drive this blog.

I just paused for a moment to really think how I want to write this. There’s so much I want to get on paper. I have some weird desire to basically write out my whole life story.

Well, there’s about four more days until my birthday. I can probably get everything I want to say out by then. Part 1 starts tomorrow.



Jordan Spence
In a good place.