In a good place. Part 1

Jordan Spence
In a good place.


I haven’t planned out what I’m going to say, I just knew that it felt like a good idea to split this up into sections. I enjoy writing, and it might be a good exercise to just write out as much as possible about the topic I should know best — myself.

I was born in Renton, Washington on February 29th, 1992. February 29th is a leap day, as mentioned in the entry prior to this. If you’re unaware, the reason that February 29th only comes once every four years is because our standard calendar is not equivalent to the yearly revolution of our planet. The revolution of our planet is 365 days and six hours, but it’s easier to just say 365 days. That means that every four years, an extra 24 hours has accumulated. Thus, they toss an extra day at the end of February to account for it! I think it’s decently interesting, and it’s always a great conversation starter. It’s kinda weird to think that I’ve only had five real birthdays.

“Ok, so how old are you??” I’m currently five and a half (22), and will be five and three quarters (23) here in a few days. I’ll turn six (24) next year.

Anyways. Born in Renton, and then raised a bit north in Everett. My parents divorced when I was around five or six, so I don’t remember any part of my life where they were together. They both married other people again at different times, and happen to both be divorced again at the time of writing. It’s been a total of 15 years since they first divorced, so that’s not all that surprising. After the initial divorce, which was amicable, my time was split up between my mom and dad. Between mom’s house and dad’s house, I grew up within the same 25 mile region all the way up until turning 22 last year.

I had a great life growing up. Both of my parents loved me dearly, and still do to this day. Both of my parents had stable jobs while I grew up and I had it pretty good.

One thing that really changed my course in life had to do with school. I went to Brier Elementary School, and then moved on to Brier Terrace Middle School — the standard path for kids in my location. After middle school, I was forced to change school districts due to moving about ten miles away and not having transportation available to take me every single day. At this point in my life, nothing was more devastating to me. I remember crying so much and being so sad about it. I had to leave my whole world behind. All my friends who, at this point, I’d known for a majority of my life. This is a key point that I often look back to when I think about life. I’m friends with a small handful of people from the original school district to this day. I see Facebook pictures of the people who used to be my friends in that district, and I reminisce and wonder how different my life would be if I stayed in that school district throughout High School and.. who knows after that.

That being said, I don’t regret anything. Aside from the fact that there was physically nothing I could do to avoid changing districts, I do not let myself dwell on it. I am extremely happy where I am right now in life and this may have ultimately been the best path possible. I’ll never know.

So, High School started. New location, new people, new everything. Shortly after classes had begun in September of 2006, a new friend that I made told me about a game called World of Warcraft.

To be continued.



Jordan Spence
In a good place.