Why I am Thankful for My Corporate Experience


Started my career at 22, performed to the best of my abilities at work, made my way up the career ladder, and retired at 37. That’s my corporate life in a nutshell.

No, I did not leave my job because I hated it or because I had some run-ins with a boss or teammate. I just had to do that for my family.

On the contrary, I am forever grateful for the growth and learning opportunities I was given in my 15-year corporate stint. I’m thankful that I had great mentors who guided me as a young employee fresh from the university. And I’m blessed that I worked with bosses who understood that I was and still am a family-first individual.

While I now enjoy the freedom and power that come with being a business owner, freelancer, and investor, I still think that I owe a lot of what I know and have now to my corporate experience. I believe that there’s merit in taking the corporate route instead of the entrepreneurship path at least in the early stages of your career. Read on to find out why.

A corporate job gives you a stable income

Do you remember the feeling you had when you received your very first paycheck? I’m sure it was empowering and fulfilling to you as it was for me. And knowing that you will receive the same amount month after month (as long as you’re employed, of…



Carla May Beriña-Kim
In and Beyond the Corporate World

Freelance Writer and Editor | Consultant | Speaker and Resource Person | Former Corporate and NGO Executive | Mom | Wife