“Beautiful Tyrant, Fiend Angelical”

Love in Glee and Romeo and Juliet

In Fair Verona
6 min readNov 16, 2017


Finn and Quinn.

The show Glee and the play Romeo and Juliet both display a desire for love, and the fact that love is not always gonna go the way that you like. Growing up in a feud and knowing that the Capulets and Montagues will never agree with each other, Romeo and Juliet have to find a way to maintain their relationship. Glee shows how love is the strongest feeling you can have, but when Quinn lies to her boyfriend Finn about being the father of her baby, can love really proceed through this emotional rollercoaster. Both relationships appear the be all about love, but is love the only feeling that these couples hold. Both are similar in the fact that this news that was brought to them will change their lives for ever, but it is how they cope with the news that will have the actual biggest effect on them.

Finn is a man of action, a person who will do anything for his team and his friends. He is always there to help the hurt and always there to celebrate the wins of one of his friends. Growing up with a military father who wasn’t always around and a mother who had to raise a son by herself, he knows the essence of independance. Finding out the news that he was gonna be a father, shocked him and made him one of the happiest men in the world. He was gonna give him anything and everything he could in order to give his new son a good life. When the news was delivered that the baby wasn’t his son, he took action into his own hands. Not knowing how to control his emotions and being super frustrated. He took out all his anger on Puck, the real father, and was now showing his side where he was not gonna be there for his best friend. For example, Finn shouts “ Screw this… I’m done with you… I’m… I’m done with all of you”. Hearing the news that his girlfriend of two years had slept with his best friend just tore him up. Being a calm and forgiving character his reaction changed the way that people perceive Finn for the rest of the show. This turn of events showed his new side and how he could turn into a new person. After that day he never was the same person. He changed the way he lived he didn’t trust as much and wasn’t there as much for his friends. He got over it, eventually but it was a grueling time for the team and his friends because he was so closed off. He has the same reaction to the surprised news as Juliet but Juliet handles it in a better and more efficient way.

Juliet had the same news finding out that her husband of that day had killed her beloved cousin Tybalt, right after there wedding. The fact that she was so madly in love with Romeo she didn’t’ know if her allegiance should be for her family or for her husband. She weeps and says:

O serpent heart hid with a flow’ring face!
Did ever dragon keep so fair a cave?
Beautiful tyrant, fiend angelical!
Dove-feathered raven, wolvish-ravening lamb!
Despisèd substance of divinest show! (3.2.135)

The way that she found out that her dearest husband had slay her beloved cousin she could not react in any other sane way. She didn’t know what to do with herself, she was crazed and curious at why this is happening to her. She was overcome with emotions that day. She thought about taking her own life because of the effect that this had on her. She took a couple days crying and trying to figure out a solution to this madness that she was put in. She realized that the love she had for Romeo would never be something she could get over. So she choose the love of Romeo over her family. Just like Finn she was confused and overwhelmed with emotion when she found out the news but the difference between them was Finn reacted in that same moment with violence, and it affected all his friendships later in the show. Juliet took her time with her decision and got her emotions rational before she made a decision that she would regret. Her feeling were disciplined which in the end created a better outcome on her situation.

Juliet and Finn share a connection between the two situations. They react and solve the issues in two different kinds of ways but they have the same point in the end. At the exact moment that they find out that, one Finn is not the father and that Romeo killed Tybalt, Juliet and Finn have to take into account the way that their actions can affect others around them. When Finn reacts by starting a fight with Puck, on the same day as there’s team big competition, he is affecting the whole atmosphere of the team and the whole mood. The episode changes and the mood of the show changes to. Everything seems to go in slow motion and you realize that there is a constant sound of gloomy and depressing music playing in the background. Juliet on the other hand, does not take action she avoids contact with Romeo and anyone else so she does not have to talk about it. You feel like the day is just going by slowly. Romeo states:

Thou canst not speak of that thou dost not feel.
Wert thou as young as I, Juliet thy love,
An hour but married, Tybalt murderèd,
Doting like me, and like me banishèd,
Then mightst thou speak, then mightst thou tear thy hair
And fall upon the ground as I do now.” ( 3.3, 145)

Being banished is far worse in Romeo’s eyes. Now him and Juliet will never talk she will keep all her emotions and thoughts inside because she will not be permitted to talk to Romeo. She is stuck in one world by herself while Romeo is stuck in a whole other world, waiting for Juliet to become unsilent. In parts the play lacks, there is a certain divide between the connection of the characters because this whole situation puts a dark cloud around the whole play. When both Finn and Juliet realize their answer and take action on the situation there is a shift in the mood, there is a certain happiness and joy that both characters feel and the shift makes the overall scene better. The difference between the affect on each character is Juliet final discussion to stay with Romeo, it feels final and that there will never be in a switch in her feelings. Finns overall discussion is never really final so there is always that dark cloud around for the rest of the season.

In conclusion, Juliet and Finn define themselves as independent people, who make their judgement based on the effect they will have on other people. In this scene they see that Finn did not take into consideration of his teammates and the way that this fight will affect the rest of the season. Juliet, in the end made a reasonable choice to take her time with her decision and she ends up making a rational discussion based on her emotions and feelings. She dosen’t hurt anyone on the way with her choice in that moment. Her action affect people in the later part of this play but in the moment she divides from her family to save her relationship with the man she loves and that is the right decision in the moment. The desire for love and to make people pleased with you can not control every situation, in the end love will not be the only standing factor. You have to make a decision based on your emotions, and love is not the leading factor in all those discussions.


My whole goal of this project was to tap into the minds of the characters. I wanted to show how love is a huge factor in every relationship and it is the basically the main factor. If you crack the foundation of love then what are you left with. I started of by finding my favorite show, which is glee, and I thought back to that episode. It was one of my favorite episodes so I remembered it vividly. I found the theme I wanted to work with which is love and from there I generated the question, will a relationship work without love? I found out that in some cases love is not the only playing factor and you sometimes don’t need it, but the ones with unaccountable amount of love are the ones that survive the most. Love is a big factor no matter how old, how smart, or how beautiful you are.

