10 Daily Choices Mean I Never Have to Diet and Always Feel Good

Simple, sustainable habits that make you feel great from the inside out.

Lisa Johnson
In Fitness And In Health


Man jumping up in the arm with his legs apart.
Photo by Marc Najera on Unsplash

I have not been on a “diet” for many years.

I no longer panic before a holiday or event because I need to lose a few pounds.

I no longer own a “one-day” pair of jeans because my weight has been the same for years.

I enjoy good energy levels and a positive mindset, and I am proud of my body.

And I attribute all these benefits to the daily choices I have built up over the years, which are now unconscious habits.

I am not a dietician, nutritionist or personal trainer. These simple, sustainable choices made me feel good, so I practised them until they became second nature.

My husband took on these choices when he moved in with me. He dropped the extra pounds he was holding onto, now eats more than ever and feels healthier than ever. He has lots more energy and is more inclined to choose healthy food because he now realises how rubbish junk food makes him feel.

Many people have forgotten how good they can feel. They are confused by all of the information available. They don’t realise that by making simple adjustments to their lifestyle choices…



Lisa Johnson
In Fitness And In Health

Helping those that have been hurt in the name of love rediscover their true selves. https://www.pearllifestyles.com/