10 Simple Skincare Mistakes to Avoid in Your 20s to Age in Reverse

Start by not scrubbing your face away

Eshal Rose
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Ron Lach from Pexels

If you have never given in to your urge to pop that zit for the mere satisfaction of watching the gunk drain out of that pesky little thing, then excuse me, but what the hell are you doing? You deserve an award for holding back.

We have all committed one or more grave skincare mistakes at some point (hello, angry popped pimple). And more often than not, we don’t even realize how damaging some of them are to the skin in the long run.

Since lockdown and work from home happened, there’s been a boom in the skincare industry — what better time to glow up than when you don’t have to meet other humans for days!

And while buying all the latest trending products on TikTok may have affected only your wallet and not your skin, here are a few common skincare mistakes to avoid so that you can age gracefully like a celebrity.

1. Touching your face too often

Yes, you look beautiful, and you love how smooth your skin feels. You’re probably doing it right now.

But guess what, every time you run your fingers over your face, you are transferring bacteria and causing those acne breakouts you are trying so hard to bust!



Eshal Rose
In Fitness And In Health

Transforming thoughts into words. I can be funny sometimes. Dentist/Writer. eshalrose28@gmail.com