10 Things I Learned About Fitness From Arnold Schwarzenegger

#8: Turn weaknesses into strengths

Scott Mayer
In Fitness And In Health


Credit: SJMM Films

Nicknamed the “The Austrian Oak”, Arnold Schwarzenegger is one of America’s greatest success stories.

He captured the prestigious Mr. Olympia title a then-record 7 times, cementing his place among bodybuilding’s elite. He became the greatest action hero in Hollywood history, starring in blockbusters like Conan the Barbarian, Commando, and Predator. He served as California’s governor from 2003–2011, championing environmental policy and more balanced government spending.

He’s also achieved success in real-estate, restaurant ownership, and even investment banking.

Whew, what a résumé.

Now well into his 70s, Arnold still practices the same habits that not only brought him to the pinnacle of bodybuilding nearly 50 years ago, but also influenced his success in business, acting and politics.

Here are 10 things I’ve learned from watching, reading and consuming as much content as possible created with, for, or by him in regards to health and fitness.

1. Never forget where you came from

We all start somewhere.

