17 Healthy Anti-aging Habits to Fight the Effects of Aging, Feel More Youthful, and Look Younger than You Really Are

Yes young people this is for you too

Amarie 💖
In Fitness And In Health


This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

Don’t just “go with the flow” when it comes to getting older, at least not without putting some twists on it.

Look, we all know that if we live long enough, we will age. There’s no magic pill or potion to stop the inevitability of aging.

But, there are a host of habits you can adopt as anti-aging strategies so that aging doesn’t ambush you from all sides, wreaking complete havoc due to factors that could have been controlled.

Granted, there are many factors that are out of a person’s control but here we will take a look at 17 factors you can take control of and age more gracefully and comfortably.

Keep it moving

Photo by Anupam Mahapatra on Unsplash

Don’t be a couch potato!

Lounging too much can be a factor in pre-mature aging by being detrimental to body functions and causing problems with range of motion, flexibility, circulation and can lead to health risks such as heart disease, high blood…



Amarie 💖
In Fitness And In Health

Writing is my passion. My goal is to inform, enlighten, motivate, and inspire.