19-Minute, ‘Old-School’ Kettlebell + Bodyweight Workout

Aleks Salkin
In Fitness And In Health
5 min readFeb 10, 2023

If you’re looking for a great (well, ghastly is more like it) old-school, no BS kettlebell and bodyweight workout to test your mettle and crush some weakness, look ye no further.

I’m a big believer in the importance of crushing weakness, seeing it driven before you, and hearing the lamentations of its women. Maybe you are too.

In my honest, unbiased opinion, there’s no school like the old school for going medieval on your own butt and coming out on the other side stronger, better conditioned, and more resilient than ever before.

One of the #1 old school tactics for achieving such mad gainz is the use of accessory work — usually brushed off by today’s snobby, average-at-best strength hounds as “vain bodybuilding”. Lol, okay, Champ. Whatever you say.

Believe it or not, pretty much everybody who’s anybody in the world of lifting has made ample use of accessory exercises to not only jack their strength levels through the roof, but keep them strong without getting injured. Read that underlined part again because it’s important.

Accessory exercises come in all shapes and sizes, and many of them are incredibly powerful for forging bold and beastly levels of strength in every nook and cranny of your body — so you and your joints can be more resilient than ever while getting stronger than ever. This month’s issue of my Inner Circle focuses on exactly that, and shows you how to fit them into a program that will have you in and out before you can say “Hey honey, feel my bicep!”

Without further ado, here’s a sample of what just such a dastardly (but highly effective) workout would look like.

Upper Body

For the exercises in this workout you’re going to be using what are known as ladders — a set and rep scheme where you do 1 rep, rest briefly (think anywhere from 10–60 seconds depending on what level of fatigue you’re experiencing) before moving on to the next mini-set.

So for example:

1 rep, rest briefly
2 reps, rest briefly
3 reps, rest briefly, etc.

You can either do all of one exercise in that fashion, or alternate between the exercises listed. I’ll leave that up to you.

With that said, let’s kick things off:

A1) Bent-over row (or pullup/chinup) — 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
A2) Military press — 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Rest as little as possible but as much as necessary between reps and exercises.

Lower body

B1) L-sit leg raises — 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
B2) Front squats
— 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Rest as little as possible but as much as necessary between reps and exercises.

Collapse in a heap and then you’re done for the day.

Not only is this workout quick and effective, but by adding in one high-rep set of two different accessory moves prior to your main lifts, you’ll get your muscles pumped up and ready for action faster than if you were doing a bunch of warm-up sets with lower reps and lighter weight, AND you’ll make some great headway into filling in the often overlooked gaps in your strength.

Give this workout a shot and let me know how you like it.

On that note, if you like training that:

  • Gives you more strength than it takes from you
  • Improves your stamina and resilience simultaneously
  • Powers-up every nook, cranny, crevice, and corner of your Soft Machine

Then you just might like my 9-Minute Kettlebell and Bodyweight Challenge.

It’s a challenge designed to be done alongside your regular workouts (NOT instead of them) that uses super simple, full-body movements that can be learned in mere minutes — moves like crawling, kettlebell carries, and more — and is designed to help tap into some of your body’s little known reflexes and inner storehouses of power, so you can expand your brute strength, build cyborg stamina, and forge unbreakable physical and mental resilience.

Even cooler:

Each session will leave you feeling like you’ve made gains — NOT like you’ve been drained.

Plus, the workouts are built to be done daily without sucking up tons of time or energy, so you can take on the rest of each day with a new surge of power and confidence.

Many people find that these moves help amplify their strength in their favorite kettlebell and bodyweight moves while also crafting a lean, hard, and functional physique.


· Lewis from Singapore nailed his first 1-arm pushup after doing a bodyweight drill called ‘Dead Bugs’ (which is also covered in the Challenge)

· Busy mom Lina from Sweden used crawling to not only improve her full-body strength and resilience, but also shredded so much body flab that she could see her abs for the first time in ages

· Barak from Israel saw his pullups go from 6 reps to 8 reps just by doing daily kettlebell carries

And best of all, it’s free.

How free?

I’m talkin’ freer than the 4th of July, my friend.

Get thee thine own copy here => www.9MinuteChallenge.com

Have fun and happy training!

Aleks Salkin



Aleks Salkin
In Fitness And In Health

International kettlebell & bodyweight trainer, foreign language enthusiast, soon-to-be-badazz bass guitarist. https://www.alekssalkin.com/