2019 — One Year Without Alcohol

Here is what you can learn from my experiences

Daniel Hövermann
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

Hi, my name is Daniel. I had and still have an alcohol problem. I am 34 years old and said “NO” to alcohol for one year. It granted me a lot of insights into my character and society.

Contrary to many of my friends, I openly admit that I had and still have an issue with this “liver poison.” It takes courage to speak out the truth — ethanol is a poison you consciously and in full awareness of the consequences consume!

Your body does not produce it by itself, and it does not help your body in any way— besides slowing down the movies in your head.

The last point was the one that drew me into alcohol and the “advantage” for me.

I was not too fond of the taste of any form of alcohol at the beginning. I never drank it while having a meal or for the simple goal of enjoying it.

Thus, I was sort of more a heavy drinker. In my “worst” times, I consumed 3 liters of beer alone in my flat. At parties — I boasted about how much I can drink before throwing up. After vomiting, I would start all over again—a typical fraternity guy.

An excellent friend asked me where I would draw the line. Today, I would answer quite digital — either I drink, or I don’t. There is nothing in…



Daniel Hövermann
In Fitness And In Health

changing thoughts, behavior, and beliefs; a soul that finds the best way to be the biggest gift to you! Enjoy the ride!