21 Ridiculously Simple Tricks To Reach 10,000 Steps Daily With Ease

How walking + exercise got me to 10% body fat in less than eight weeks

Thomas J. Hahn
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Tegan Mierle on Unsplash

Human beings are meant to move.

Yet, most people in our modern society are struggling to move enough each day.

They’re either too busy or too stressed and don’t know how physical activity can fit into their daily lives.

When I was still working in my office job two years ago, I had the same problem. My total daily steps were always around 2 to 3 K and I didn’t always make it to the gym.

I can absolutely relate to what it’s like to be unmotivated after a long day of work. It can be quite a challenge to get up from the sofa in the evening.

Yet, excuses will get you nowhere.

Frequently, I notice people complaining about why they don’t have enough time to go to the gym or, due to COVID-19, find other possibilities like home workouts or running in the woods.

I hear the same lame excuses over and over.

“I just don’t have the time”

“I would, but I’m always so busy and working long hours.”

“My wife and kids need me at home”

“When I come home in…



Thomas J. Hahn
In Fitness And In Health

BA in Business; Fitness trainer and personal coach; I'm writing about Diet, Health and Fitness. 🇦🇹 IG: @tommysphysiqueupgrade