23 Foods This Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist and Diabetes Educator Keeps in Her Kitchen at (Almost)All Times

Don’t worry. They’re not that weird.

Stephanie Rzasa Schiff
In Fitness And In Health


Some other food in my cabinet. Photo by Stephanie Rzasa Schiff

“In food excellent medicine can be found, in food bad medicine can be found; good and bad are relative.” Hippocrates

I’m a clinical dietitian at a community hospital. I care for patients who have cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, gastrointestinal issues, Covid, and other conditions.

I also speak with people who want to maintain their health. I believe in promoting minimally processed, high-nutrient foods that taste great. And I believe in maintaining a healthy weight whenever possible. These foods are some of my favorites, in no particular order…

Lemons — I start the day with a lemon wedge squeezed into a tall glass of water. I put lemon in most of my teas. I squeeze it on salads. When life hands you lemons, be grateful!

Apples — They‘re a good source of fiber. And one of my favorite snacks is apple slices with peanut butter and a few chocolate chips sprinkled on top.

Barley — I have a rice cooker. I am NOT a rice fan. But I do make barley in it. And steel-cut oatmeal, and quinoa and farro… Barley has a chewy texture and nutty flavor. I put it into soups and…



Stephanie Rzasa Schiff
In Fitness And In Health

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. Certified Diabetes Educator. Top Food Writer. Health and Wellness Advocate. World Traveler. Take a chance. Never too late.